chapter 8 Fairy Tail

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Natsu entered the Guild by kicking the doors open and shouting


Happy: aye

Ryu: (rolling his eyes) yeah obviously it's not like we were on an s class Quest

Thay all walked into the guild together lucy gazed at the hall with happiness then a Guild member spoke to Natsu

Fairy tail member: heard how you went all out in hargeon just had to cause trouble nat...

Natsu: SHUT UP!

he punched the Guild member and destroyed the table at the same time

Lucy gasped in surprise

Ryu sighed

Lucy: why did you do that!?

Ryu: (face plam) Oh god Here we go again!

Natsu: Hey you lied about that salamander I'm gonna kick your butt

Guild member:hey don't blame me i was just passing around a rumour

Ryu and Lucy looked dumbfounded at them

Ryu: goddammit Natsu!


Guild member: (angry) oh you wanna fight? let's go

A brawl broke out in fairy tail

Happy: now now Natsu i think you need to.....

he and shadow were knocked around like a pin ball as a table hit them

Lucy: (amazed) oh wow I'm actually standing in the fairy tail guild hall

Ryu: well you probably won't be staying in it at least undamaged for long

???: so Natsu finally made it back huh?

He then stripped to his pants

Lucy stepped back and gasped in horror at Gray being half nude

Gray: it's time we settle this once and for all

Ryu: yo Gray your clothes

Gray: i don't have time for that!

Lucy: so who is he?

Ryu: oh him that's Gray fullbuster
He tends to uhhhh stripe half naked,i mean i do when I'm at this club but... moving on he and Natsu have some dumb rivalry that's been going on ever since they met

Gray: come fight me Natsu!

Natsu: Go put some clothes on first!

Elfman:it's only natural you boys are whining like baby's

Lucy looked up at him in surprise while Ryu gave a not you too look at him

Elfman: I'm a real man want me to prove it to ya

Ryu: uhhhh Elfman, buddy i wouldn't...

Gray and Natsu then punched him backwards

Lucy: thay knocked him out that quickly

Ryu: yeaaah he's not actually that strong and..

Loki: jeez it's so noisy around here huh

Ryu's eyes turned red as he and Lucy looked round

Loki was talking to two girls he had on his lap

Ryu clenched his fist and made angry indescribable words at him

Ryu: damn him! he gets the lady killer title and ranked most eligible bachelor, No! it should be me!

He turned to Lucy

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