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✨wills pov✨

I wake up in a small room where am I? Who am i. The question is answered when a man with white hair on his head says " hello 13 I am papa welcome home."  (I know that there are more than 11 up to the thirty's but let's pretend that we dint see that)

I didn't know what to say. In that moment like why am I here what is home why dose my arm sting all I can manage is "h-h-hello" 

"You have amazing powers 13 I will help you harness them." Papa said "come with me"

I listened I stood up and followed papa through the hall my grip tightening on his hand. We walk through hallways into this room his hand clutching mine the entire time. We enter this little room he sits me down on a chair and says putting a thing on my head "ok 13 time for you to use your powers to crush the can"

"I don't know how papa" I wimpier putting my head in my hands

"Gust concentrate on the can and imagine it making a little den in it like this" papa says squeezing the can a little making a small dent in it.

I look at the can concentration hard on the Candy crushing just a little and the can files up into the air and crumples into a little ball.

"You have truly amazing powers 13" says papa

~3 months later~

Wills pov

Life at home has been great papa has been teaching me new tricks and we get to draw! I lay in my bed looking at a drawing of the rainbow room that I drew little while ago when i here a freak and my door opens I look over too see a woman the woman I think is named holly and she says

"Hurry will get your things you need to leave now"

"Who's will? And I'm not leaving this is my home wit( papa"

"You are will and papa is lying to you, he wants to send you to a bad place you need to leave now! Use this to escape the room go down the hallway too the boiler room escape through the pipe and use this to pay for a bus ticket to Hawkins Indiana" she says shoving toro things in my hand

After she leave I examen the contents a wad of green paper and a piece of plastic. Why would papa be lying to me? Then I saw a flash of light and I was in a dark scary place I was hiding In a room and instead of calling for papa I was calling for someone named Mike.

Another flash of light and I was back at the lab ready to escape. I don't want to go back there! A alarm started to go off and I used that as a diversion to run out of my room to the boiler room, wich was locked. I used the plastic thing to unlock it. Then I found a pipe at the bottom and started too crawl out.

Once I reached the end I ran pass unfamiliar streets to a bus stop bought a ticket to Hawkins Indiana and waited for my bus to arrive. When it arrived I hoped on and rode off into the night.


Hello how's evryone!

Sorry I haven't posted recently I had school🙄

Any ways will knows how to read he just doesn't remember learning how or any memories of his past. If your wondering how he knows what a bus bus stop or a ticket is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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