The Beginning

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Kachi! Is what I'm hearing as the cold rain drops fall onto my face. The Bridge, is it a good way to go, will someone catch me? Or...will something else happen. Kai is running towards me. What's wrong with her, she might slip and injure herself.
Why..would she do something like that.
Kutu isn't in the telephone booth anymore, she...
is smiling.
Damn, she didn't.
DAMN IT, Kutu! We can't have them knowing, do you want to go back to foster care?!
I grabbed Kai's arm and ran toward Kutu then we ran off the small bridge and went into the alley.
The Sirens went by, they were loud then slowly subsided. I looked at them, they smiled back. We started walking home and from then on no one said a word. But Kai had to go and ruin the silence,
"Can we get some cookies on the way home" she said. I looked at her, rolled me eyes and smiled.
Then Kutu and Kai giggled.

Well that's the beginning, my life before everything changed by meeting one man who asked for the time. If a stranger asks you for the time, Don't answer. You basically already know whats going to happen. Kai loves cookies, eats them almost everyday. We pass by this tiny store everyday before we go home, so on the way home that night we were going to get some cookies, right? Then Kutu wanted to go home, so then Kai said "Hey can you just bring the cookies home, and we just go ahead?" I said well sure i'll be there in like 5 minutes. The store was never busy, and only had like one person working at the desk. It was dark and late. Where we lived was just down the road, small fort in the corner of the woods we had a tree house basically, but it was nothing like you'd expect. You see us kids are no normal kids we have skills and wits.

I opened the door to the store and grabbed a container of chocolate chip cookies and went to the front desk. The man at the desk said "$4.50 please" so that's was I did, I gave the man the money. Then walked out the door. I went down the side walk and onto the trail. All I heard were animals making their unique sounds, it was kinda scary, but I'm brave. Then all of a sudden I heard braches break.
There he was the man that would change my life,
just....standing there. In all black....looking at me.

To Be Continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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