Normal Day

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          On a average Thursday afternoon, Roomie the 57 year old super senior started his day as normal. He woke up at 9:00 AM sharp made his bed, brushed his long luscious mane and teeth, and got dressed for the day. Little did roomie know that this day would be the day he met his lover.
          As Roomie walked to his Psychology 101 class he had heard rumors of the wifi being down. Roomie ignored this as this was an average SLU thing. He continued with his day and as soon as his class was over he rushed out the door as he had a bad case of the runs. As Roomie was anime girl running down the hallway he ran into a tall, muscular, black hooded figure. Roomie said, "I-I-I'm so so so sorry mister I wasn't looking where I was going I really need to poop please excuse me..". The hooded figure grunted at this sentence and in a deep masculine voice said, "Watch where you're going next time". Roomie exclaimed, "IM SO SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!". At this Roomie sprinted to the big boys restroom and blew his guts out. After he cleaned himself up Roomie looked in the mirror and started to cry.
Roomie-"Im so clumsy and stupid, no guy will ever like me, I'm not like other guys"
          Roomie let out a big and long sigh as he ended his day. As the days went on the wifi had not come back on and with that all of the SLU websites had been hacked. Roomie was worried and a bad feeling set in his stomach. Roomie- "Its Saturday already and the wifi still isn't on I'm starting to get the nervous poops (uwu)". At saying this Roomie looked out his window to stare longingly at the rain dripping down his window pane. Suddenly a dark figure ran across field vision. Roomie jumped and screamed (manly of course) and went to shut his curtains. Roomie started to ponder if he was being stalked or not, but he did not want to think too much about it and head to bed. 
          As the storm raged on outside of Roomies window, suddenly a loud and bright lightning strike woke Roomie up out of a dead sleep. As Roomie adjusted his eyes to his dark room he looked at the corner of his bed and say that same dark figure he saw outside. Roomie again screamed at the top if his lungs. As Roomie screamed the dark figure hopped out the window and Roomies dad ran up the stairs. President Craine- "ROOMIE WHATS WRONG!?"
Roomie- "I just think I had a bad dream its ok, I'm ok."
President Craine stroked Roomies mane and coaxed him back to sleep. When Roomie awoke again it was morning and everything seemed normal in his room so he thought to himself,"Was that really just a nightmare?... ah whatever". Roomie like any other day got ready for school and he got in his red truck that his dad and his dads friend had remodeled for him and drove to school. As soon as Roomie parked his red truck at his foggy school he sensed that someone was watching him, he could feel it in his fur. Feeling this tension though he ignored the feeling and started to head to the school doors. As he turned he saw a big white pedo van heading towards him. But before impact could be made Roomie say the tall, masculine, dark figure jump in front of him and stop the van.
Mystery Boy- "I wont let anything or anyone hurt you roomie..."
Mystery Boy - "No roomie its too dangerous im a bad boy."
Roomie- "FINE ill show you a bad boy😈"
          With this Roomie got up and bee lined it into the woods. The mystery boy followed closely behind him. As soon as they were in a spot where no one could see them Roomie had already used his lion senses to figure out who the mystery boy really was.
Roomie-"I know who and what you are"
Mystery boy- "Say it, tell me what I am"
Roomie- "Your the moodler..."
          As Roomie said this the mystery boy took his hoodie off and revealed his chiseled face. He had such a strong jaw structure, with striking blue eyes, and plump lips with dark wavy hair. At the of the moodler Roomie screamed without the s.
Roomie- "But why would you hack SLU moodler? Why...."
To be continued lmao 🥰

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