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- prologue

As lexi laughed at another joke rory had said, benny and ethan had watched from there own spot in the cafe.
they weren't looking in a stalkerish-weird way, of course, but they never understood rory and lexi's relationship,
lexi was quiet and like to stay to herself at times.
while rory could barley keep his mouth shut and didnt even understand personal space.
they just didnt get it.

how could rory, of all people get a girlfriend.
while benny and ethan both sat by themselves, single.
you could call it jealousy for benny, like every other girl at white chapel, benny had a crush on lexi and he made it known to everyone, except lexi.

"should we go over there?" benny questioned, ready to break-up the couple.

"what? no, that would be weird." ethan rolled his eyes, although ethan watched he didnt hold any envy towards the couple, he just hoped him and sarah could end up like the two, probably even go on double dates.

just kidding

ethan would never go on a two man with rory.

"its already weird that we've been watching them for damn near a hour !!" benny scolded, briefly taking his eyes off lexi.

"no! you've been watching them for an hour ! they jus' .. caught my tunnel vision."

"what're you two nerds talking about ?" sarah came outta nowhere.

" nothing !" the two said, quickly dropping the topic.

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