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Jakarta, Presidential Palace, February 20xx

In an office where the supreme leader of the Republic of Indonesia lives on a quiet and peaceful morning, the president is focusing on performing various state duties, but this does not last long because a phone in his office rings, the President swiftly holds the phone. " I'm sorry to disturb you when you have Mr. President, but I got a call from the prime minister of Japan, the prime minister wants to talk directly to the president, will you accept it?" The service center of the Presidential palace call asked softly and heartily asking for approval from the President, the President was quiet for a moment from the unexpected event, but still, the President of Indonesia received the call " Please connect to me " said the President, soon the voice of the prime minister from Japan was heard as soon as it was connected to the telephone network of the Presidential palace " Good morning, Mr. president. Indonesia, thank you for receiving a phone call from me" he said, then the greeting was replied to with the president of Indonesia kindly " It's okay for the prime minister of Japan, if I may ask if there is any matter that needs to be discussed with us by direct telephone rather than through the Japanese diplomat in Indonesia?" this incident made the president curious about what the intentions of the prime minister of Japan were, "Of course, Mr. president, have you heard of the "GATE" phenomenon that connects another dimension in Japan's Ginza?" this immediately made the Indonesian president respond that this debate was a serious conversation and needed extra attention with careful handling.

The incident of a gate that suddenly appeared in the middle of the city of Ginza where along with the exit of fantasy monsters appeared at the gate along with various soldiers wearing typical ancient Roman equipment there caused chaos in the city, the incident took a lot of casualties, injuries and even the victims disappeared from the event, although shortly after the incident the Japanese defense forces managed to repel the enemy and even creating a military base inside the gate for defense parameters, of course, it caused an uproar throughout the world because what happened from the event was just a fantasy scene because it couldn't be real, it had been a month since the incident happened and was known as the "GATE" event by the world.

The question from the prime minister was answered by the president " Of course, I have known about the "GATE" incident and my condolences to the victims there, then is what the Prime Minister wants to discuss closely related to the "Gate"?

The Indonesian president's question was responded to by the prime minister of Japan, "Is it true that the Indonesian president is closely related to "GATE" in fact we are lacking personal military members in the Special Gate area, and I ask the Indonesian president whether it is possible to send a small group of Indonesian soldiers to the special operation area inside the "GATE"? ".

The answer from the prime minister of Japan cannot be taken lightly by the Indonesian president because if it is in contact with the military then this will be a very sensitive phenomenon outside the umbrella of UN international law " What kind of urgency do you ask for help from our army section? What's your reasoning? Why the Indonesian army? If even though we accept you what are the benefits for us Indonesian state?" said the Indonesian president.

Of course, the prime minister of Japan is aware of how sensitive his request is, and he very carefully gave the answer to the Indonesian president " Actually, we really need a reconnaissance survey team that collects because the terrain in the special area in the "GATE" is like the terrain in Indonesia, the Indonesian army has also received a lot of world recognition how good the army is you perform various tasks of reconnaissance, surveillance, patrol and it can all be done efficiently even though using limited equipment moreover many of our citizens are lost due to the "GATE" event, we chose the Indonesian state as this request for assistance because of the non-alignment nature of the indo-" before the prime minister of Japan can finish his words, the President of Indonesia cuts off the conversation from the Prime Minister of Japan " Wait a minute, sir. the prime minister of japan, apologies for cutting the conversation, a country with the principle of international policy NON-ALLIGMENT MOVEMENT is indeed a south Asian country that adheres to it, especially ASEAN member states, but still other countries in Southeast Asia adhere to it, so why do are we the chosen Indonesian country?"

The prime minister of Japan responded with a question from the Indonesian president with a firmer attitude in his efforts to gain the trust of the Indonesian president " From the results of our discussions on the special body created for regional administration in the special "GATE", we agreed that the Indonesian state is the most worthy of our assessment there are other candidates such as our close country which is America but we do not want to be pressured by them, for the region in southeast Asia we also have other candidates from Indonesia, but since the rise of the border issue in south china, many countries in the Southeast Asian region have cooperated with major countries, for example in the Philippines and even allowed the establishment of American military bases near its territory. Only the Indonesian state that we value is currently still in diplomatic relations and is less influenced by the big American country because the nature of the Indonesian state is very passive, for the benefit of the Indonesian state we guarantee that the Indonesian state will get benefits that benefit the Indonesian state, especially the Indonesian state can save our citizens who were lost at the time of the "GATE" in Ginza, So can the President of Indonesia get this request for cooperation?"

This offer is indeed tempting for the Indonesian state. Still, something needs to be clarified, so the Indonesian president asked the prime minister of Japan again " This offer does look likely, but will our soldiers be assigned in secret there? What do we allow our residents there? What are some of your actions in favor of and not in favor of our military operations there? Who is in charge of the confidentiality of operations from our military in the territory within the "GATE"

The prime minister of Japan also replied clearly to the Indonesian president's question, "the Indonesian army serves in secret under the auspices of our army, We can support the capture of Indonesian army troops with our cargo aircraft and supply weapons support equipment in the area in the special "GATE", but for equipment, we can only send ammunition not with weapons but if the weapon is like a rocket the ManPads launcher we can, we could not supply it only the weapons of the people that we could not give to the Indonesian army, and we could not lend the alusista of the fighting vehicle to the Indonesian state as well, because that is why we offered our cargo aircraft to be transported to the japan, and the glorifier of this operation was me along with the commander-in-chief of the Japanese self guard force who supervised the secrecy of this operation, even if the movement from the Indonesian state is suspected, we have a special team to divert the issue."

The president, after assessing the explanation, was quite satisfied with the cooperative action on the part of the Japanese despite the troublesome parts there, " Well we will consider this about two weeks later, on the grounds of humanitarian assistance, because at first, we will indeed send humanitarian aid to japan" this then received a positive response from the father of the ministry of Japan " Thank you, Mr. President, of Indonesia,  for his consideration, we will contact him again in two weeks later to get an answer, and for such a map of the terrain of the special area in "GATE" along with the Ecosystem and Ecology will be shared with the Indonesian state if the Indonesian state has accepted the bargain, Alright, Mr. President of Indonesia, I think this conversation has been completed, thank you for the understanding, bye."

The room returned to calm as before, only the Indonesian president was immersed in his thoughts from the results of the telephone conversation and thought about whether the agreement could make this Indonesian state able to move forward and benefit its people.

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