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Military Headquarters of in Serang Banten, February, 20XX

After the scout hit the cadet he picked up a walkie talky embedded in his back " Hey I have a patient taking a nap right now, can you come here and take him with like the others?".

"Comrade haven't I warned you not to hit him too hard? Don't you realize how strong your punch is? and what's even worse is that this has been the 70 people VICTIM IN THE LAST 1 DAY!!!!!" said the walkie-talkie receiver from the scout

"OH COME ON!!! I HIT IT VERY GENTLY!!!! Don't worry he won't die like I hit the cadets last year, he's weak," the scout tried to evade the complaint.

"Haaaahh ok then, I'm tired of arguing with you, please turn on your GPS device I'm going there" the receiver of the call seemed to be quite upset at the snooping

After a few minutes, you could hear the sound of a vehicle getting close enough from the position of the scout guarding the body of the inner cadet said to be "NAPPING" by the snob who hit him" then shortly thereafter. then came the Pick Up edge car where the rear trunk was also filled with other cadets who were also in a state of fainting, the vehicle then stopped right at the scout.

"Heyyyy it's been quite a while for pick-up, it's been 30 minutes since my patient took a nap," said the scout who seemed to be quite upset because of the slow pace of the pick-up to the driver of the car

"WOI MALIK YOU DON'T HAVE A BRAIN, HUH!!!! I'm here and there with people you refer to as 'patients who are napping' isn't it obvious that there are 10 human bodies that you refer to as 'patients who are napping ' lying in the rear trunk, luckily this was the last body to haul back to headquarters, another cadet participant had already been found by another superintendent, so this Exercise is considered complete even though this Exercise is only an introductory Exercise,  not a serious Exercise". The rider was quite upset with Malik for not being accepted by the person who made the problem himself while the troublemaker was yelling at the rider.

"oh I didn't expect my new patient to be the last cadet, I thought there was still wandering around, yes, I would also go to the headquarters while there was a vehicle too," said Malik who came back to the headquarters by car.

On the way the rider looked at the rear glass, the pile of bodies shaken to and fro because of the steep road on the way out of the woods, 'oh how unfortunate you are, your condition will not be this bad if it is found other than Malik' the rider said silently because of sympathy for the KOPASSUS cadet soldier.

Malik Arjuna commonly called Malik is a member of KOPASSUS who is very known for being strict and sadistic when training cadets by his colleagues in the KOPASSUS ranks but he is a very great person on a mission in areas such as forests and swamps especially when it comes to hunting, even so, Malik is a gassy and somewhat quiet man, he knows it was true what he was doing and aware of what he was doing.

"Hey Arya, do you want to eat meatballs after the training of these Kopassus cadet soldiers? I don't know why I feel like the 'warm-wire meatballs will reopen after the owner comes home from his hometown"

Malik missed the meatballs from the 'warung-wiri' stall because the owner closed after almost 1 month and reportedly will reopen according to information from the surrounding community Malik checked the stall 1 week ago and asked a friend who was driving the car.

"Hmmm, it's pretty good, after all, I also want to eat meatballs too after this training is over, but it's better for us to also invite Hendra too, who knows if he also wants to eat meatballs too?"

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