Doctor Spy Duo

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"Lay off any physical stuff until your ribs aren't bruised anymore."
"Yes sir."


Tony had followed me to the lab, despite keeping silent the entire way. I walked around the changed space as he watched, arms crossed and looking like a concerned parent. I told him exactly that.

"You look like a concerned dad."

"I feel like a dad between you and Peter." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "When did you get here?"

"Here as in New York? Like four, I got to the tower sometime after that thanks to Shuri." I replied.

"And you didn't think to tell me you were coming?" Tony sighed, running a hand down his face.

I knew I was welcome here, but the way he reacted really had that small voice nagging me that I wasn't and I needed to leave and go back to that hell hole in Tennessee. I shook my head, took a deep breath, ignored the pain it caused and turned to Tony.

"Well I didn't originally plan on coming here." I said quietly. It came out with a lot more emotion then I meant it to, and concern filled the genius' eyes.

"Kid... are you okay?" He asked. "Do you parents know you are here?"

"Technically? No. But to be fair they didn't notice when Abbie left so they won't notice that I'm gone." I said, a bit too resentfully. Tony raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, looking at my scuffed converse. "It's not that far, I can get a flight back." I mumbled.

"No, no you can stay. It's fine. I'm just... surprised. I didn't expect to see you." Tony immediately said. I nodded. "But what's wrong? Something is off, cow-boy." I looked up, finally meeting his eyes.

"I just..." Could I really trust him? In all honesty? I felt like I could, but he did have a past with alcohol and god knows what that could cause. Jeezus christ, what was I thinking. He's Tony Stark, I can trust him. And if not him the gang of trouble makers I was in. "I needed out."

"Needed out?" Tony questioned. My eyes flickered back to to my feet.

"Yeah." I swallowed nervously, fidgeting where I stood. "I needed out."

"Of Rosehill? Of Tennessee? What did you need out from, kid?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"From Tennessee, from Rosehill, from... that house. From all of it." Tony was surveying me as if he wanted to wrap me up in bubble wrap and stick me in a foam pit for the rest of my life.

"Alright, sure. I won't press more than that. But I'm here if you want to talk." He relented, walking forward and patting me on the shoulder as he passed. I ignored the small spike of panic it sent through me.

They didn't need to deal with that. I could. I shook my head and headed back up to my room.

Surprisingly, Peter was waiting. He sat cross legged on my bed - no. The bed. Even if this room was exactly how I wanted it, it wasn't mine. Peter picked at the end of his flannel's sleeves, looking up as I shut the door.

"Sorry for yelling earlier." Peter said. I shrugged. It's not like I couldn't take it.

"It's fine." I flopped down on the bed beside him, shoving his leg lightly. Peter yelped as he was sent tumbling to the floor, grabbing my arm and taking me with him. I groaned, my ribs sparking ferociously. "Ow..."

"Are you okay?" Peter scrambled up, leaning over me.

"Yup." I croaked, attempting to get air back in my lungs and only partially failing. My hand fell to hold my ribs. Peter cocked his head to this side, looking like a confused puppy with his wide eyes and concerned expression.

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