Let's Talk over Lunch

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"Nat told me earlier."


I was not expecting Natasha to burst into the lab at three in the morning. Bruce dropped the stark pad he was holding when she did, and I almost fell out of my chair. The red head seemed mad, worried and excited all at once. 

"What's got you up at this hour super spy?" I asked, getting up and heading over to the coffee maker to pour myself another cup. 

"No more coffee Tony." Bruce said, pointing his pen at me. I huffed but set the pot back down, spinning to look at the two. 

"You'll want to sit down for this." Natasha said. I lowered myself into the nearest chair, and Bruce leaned against the lab table behind him. "Harley is being abused." 

I practically shot out of my chair with how fast I stood. Natasha pointed back at the chair and I fell back into it, wondering how the hell I hadn't realized my kid had been being hit at home sooner. 

"Well?" I asked Natasha. "Gonna continue that?"

"I suspected it since he got here, he was acting different - and the whole injury thing." Bruce nodded along with the red head's words. "He confirmed my suspicions a few minutes ago and agreed to let me talk to you guys so we could help. His father called him earlier and wants him home before school starts. We need to deal with the police and the court now, and fast."

"I'll talk to Pepper in the morning." I said

"Will the court be fast enough?" Bruce asked. "I mean, school starts in like, five, six days. What was the threat if he didn't show up?"

"I don't know. But it must have been something bad, Harley was pretty shaken. He's in his room now." 

I ran a hand down my face, still trying to wrap my head around this entire situation. "We can handle this. He might have to go back to that... place, though. The case will go faster then most, considering we are directly involved, but we'll be lucky if we even get into the court house by the time school starts and Harley will be stuck in that house until then." 

"We send him home at the last possible moment then, if we have to." Bruce said, pushing away from the table. "Is there anyone else we should tell about this?"

"Clint." Natasha answered immediately. I raised an eyebrow. "He has past experience, he can help Harley more than we could. But other than him keep it between us, the team doesn't need to know about this and nor do the kids." 

"Got it." I muttered. 

"Now you two should go to sleep." I rolled my eyes, how did she expect me to sleep with this information? "Then we can deal with this in the morning." 

Natasha left, and Bruce followed. I stared at the holograms floating around my lab for a few minutes before going after the two. We would fix this. Harley would no longer have to deal with being in that house. Hell, I was ready to blow it to bits if it meant getting him out. 

I would definitely be bringing up adoption when I spoke to Pepper about this tomorrow. 


My spider sense was going crazy. 

It was odd, I had gotten back from patrol and with only a few minor bruises which would heal in while I slept, everyone was still in the tower and there wasn't any imminent danger when I asked FRIDAY but it would not let me sleep. 

I heard two voices in the hall thanks to my enhanced senses, it was Bruce and Nat. Why would they be up?

"I know, Nat, I'm still worried though." Bruce said. 

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