March 30th, 2022

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"I invited him over, OMG Racheal I'm so nervous I should have a drink to calm my nerves before he gets here."

"You will be fine I promise"

He finally arrived and we joked and cuddled, watched movies and even shared a kiss or two. It was amazing I just knew then and there this was the man for me, we share so much in common and just the way his light green eyes look at me is enough to prove he's finally the one for me.

When he went back to his dorm that was the night the obsession started to grow within me and from here there was no turning back from what had started little did I know this would follow me for over a year and cause my life so many issues and relapsing episodes all caused by one drop out farm kid.

As the months went on things became sexual between us and in my mind I didn't think much of it. The obsession grew and he was all I could think of, god I was so naïve to think a farm boy would ever go for a city kid like myself. He promised he wouldn't hurt me and that he likes me a lot but just wasn't looking for anything serious and lets be honest neither was I but god if he gave me the chance I wouldn't be single. If how he acted over the summer months proved anything it was that I was just a play thing for him to occasionally who would be played with and nothing more but god did the obsession grow within my mind. Every night I would imagine scenarios in my mind of us being together not only sexually but romantically, I would go to his house and meet his parents and siblings and they would be surprised he pulled a babe like me. I would cook for him and we would live together and we could start a life together on our farm. We would both start our herd and work together to grow. But I was naïve because when we got to school that all changed.

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