Chapter #2

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(Chan) "why don't you introduce yourself!".
(Mina) "hello everyone my name is Mina, I'm from Bangkok but I had to move to Seoul for family reasons...I have no siblings and my favourite colour is pink,purple and blue. I like listening to stray kids most of the time. I like to paint and sing" (chan) "alright your very interesting,oh and there are a lot of people in this class that listen to stray kids!" *she smiles*
"So where do I sit?" (Chan) "you can sit on that empty seat next to hyunjin that boy there!"
*hyunjin was looking at me with sparkling eyes and a soft smile* *her heart flutters a bit*

 I like to paint and sing" (chan) "alright your very interesting,oh and there are a lot of people in this class that listen to stray kids!" *she smiles* "So where do I sit?" (Chan) "you can sit on that empty seat next to hyunjin that boy there!"*h...

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*she sits next to him* (hyunjin) "if you need help you can always ask me" *he whispers*
*she smiles and nods in agreement* *as he looks to his book she notices how pretty his side view is and how plump and pink his lips are* (Mina's thoughts) he is so pretty I hope we can be good friends. {time skip} the bell rings.
(Chan) "ok class before you go to the cafeteria make sure you don't forget the homework or else I will not let you guys have break again! I mean it" *the class groans then goes to the cafeteria* a voice shouts "mina!" she turns around it's hyunjin. (Mina) "yes do you need something?" (Hyunjin) "who are you going to have lunch with?" *mina looks embarrassed*
(Hyunjin) "let's eat lunch together" (Mina) "sure, I wasn't going to have lunch with anyone
But you saved me from embarrassment" *he laughs* "let's go" (hyunjin)"what you getting?"
"I'm just getting a snack not much" "ok"
*they take there snacks and go for a walk*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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