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Rihanna was walking to her house after completing her office work. No doubt she was again late. Half of the road lights were off and half of them were on. the street was empty.

Didn't know why?

Weather was cool and calm but a thunderstorm made it a little noisy. Cold Breeze was hitting her body as she shivered.

"I think it's about to rain..",

She said and fastened her speed to reach her house quickly. She couldn't get any cab cause it was late. She cursed at her boss who gave her extra work to finish and he also left her in the office alone.
When the two of them were left in the office alone he left without telling her and after finishing her file work she got up only to find herself alone in the whole building.

She thought about her boss and continued walking.

"He didn't even ask me for a ride."

She said again getting angry on her boss but her breath hitched when she heard a whistling sound from her behind. She stopped but didn't turn around. The sound came closer and now she couldn't help but turned around.

A man in whole black outfit were standing there while his head was hung low. He raised his head and looked at her. She noticed he was wearing a black mask and she couldn't see his face.

She looked at him confusingly and narrowed her eyebrows. The man started to take slow steps towards her but she was too lost in her thoughts that she didn't even moved back. The man chuckled bringing her back to her senses and she looked at him again and her eyes widened noticing a thing which she didn't notice before.

She turned around and started running while the man chuckled a bit while looking at her and started chasing her with the knife in his hands. He was fast than her of course.

Rihanna was running and running. she was close to her house but she didn't go to her house, thinking he will know her address. So she took another way. She ran in that dark alley and hide behind a big dustbin. She took out her phone and first of all what she did was to keep her phone on silent mode and she messaged her boyfriend.


Hey Jack...
I need your help right now..

What happened babes?
Are you okay?

There is someone who is following
me with a knife. I think he wanna kill

Are you serious?
See Rihanna if you are joking than let me tell you i am not in mood.
And first tell me where are you?

Do you know that street which is just a few meters away from my house. I am in that alley. I am hiding behind the big dustbin jack. Please come fast. I am afraid.

Wait i am coming to your house...
You should try to hide before i come okay?

Yes please...!
Come fast.....!
I think he still didn't know where i am maybe i should try to get to my house it's just a few steps away from here.

Are you crazy Rihanna?
What if he will see you?
Stay where you are i am coming...
I am in the car right now..!
And don't you dare to come out.



She turned off her phone's screen and peeked from there if he was there or not but she didn't find any. She was panting because of running till now. And now her breathings were going crazy.

She thought to try to go to her house. But again Jack's words stopped her but she couldn't help and stood up and walk slowly to her house while hiding. And soon she got back to her house. The house was empty. She closed the door and locked it and checked every single door and window and locked them.

She was still afraid and her heart was not helping either. After sometime the door bell rang making her flinch. She was sitting in the living area and after reaching her house she forgot to tell her boyfriend that she is now at her home.

She gulped and walked to the door. She checked through the peek whole on the door and saw Jack standing outside. She felt relieved and was about to open the door when she looked at Jack's hands and her eyes widened. Her hands started trembling.

"Babes open the door... Look your jack came to protect you."
She saw him smirking and she felt betrayed.


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