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Y/N looked deep into Kacchans luscious ruby orbs, brushing away tears in her own.

"I c-c-can't forgive you for what you've d-d-d-done Kacchan.." She sniffled, hiding her face away from him. "So we h-h-have to d-d-divorce..." Y/N looked between both boys and sighed, it was hard being her.

(Their kids once they get home: 🤨😟)

Kacchan and Todoroki-kun both gasped, and Kacchan started to loudly protest, causing some people to look over at the scene, including Deku-senpai, who squeaked and hid behind Shinso-kun.

"You can't do that Y/N!" He barked, causing Y/N to flinch, and Todoroki-kun wrapped his arms protectively around her, making her heart flutter nervously.

"Y/N can do what she wants, Bakugo." Todorki-kun growled lowly from behind her. "I don't know what you did but if Y/N wants a divorce, let her leave you." The cold boy glared at the angry pomeranian looking one.

"Tch, fine." Kacchan hissed and stomped off, leaving the house and slamming the door as Y/N began to cry.


Let's start off this month with a new chapter shall we?

Y/N's Story - THE SEQUEL {𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄}Where stories live. Discover now