The Prologue

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It is a beautiful day in the Speedy Residence, Speedy was just waking up

Speedy: Welp, another day, some more awesomeness, adventure, and even more awesomeness

Speedy walked towards his drawer to find what to wear

Speedy: Let's see, hmm

Speedy decides to wear a shirt of his favorite Sonic character, Amy Rose, plus some gray pants

Speedy then went to wake up ZardeezNuts

Speedy chuckles and gets out a megaphone



ZardeezNuts:oh hi speedy

Speedy: morning zardeez

Zardeez:ugh, what time is it?

Speedy looks at his Sonic watch

Speedy: it's 10:30

Zardeez:But I don't wanna get outta bed :(

Speedy: too bad

Zardeez: Ok fine

Zardeez proceeds to jump out of bed, fully refreshed all of a sudden

Zardeez: OK lets get breakfast, i heard UFS is making deep fried peppers for breakfast

Speedy: I hope to god he's making grilled cheese sandwiches as well, those are PEAK!

Zardeez: for breakfast?

Speedy: Yes

Zardeez:Thats funny, ill try some

Speedy: AWESOME!

Speedy and Zardeez proceeded to walk into the kitchen where UFS was making deep fried peppers and yes, grilled cheese sandwiches

Speedy: Hey UFS, mmmm those grilled cheeses smell gooooooood
Zardeez: i'm here for the deep fried peppers

UFS: Oh well glad you 2 could make it, everyone else left the [place we live]

Speedy: that's ok with me

Zardeez: Well what are we waiting for, lets eat

And so our duo ate breakfast and didn't save any for UFS cause he already had breakfast

Speedy: loved it, the grilled cheese was amazing, the the deep fried peppers were pretty good too

UFS proceeds to disappear into a puff of smoke
Speedy: WHAT THE-

All of a sudden, a strange figure appears

Speedy:Is that?

Zardeez:MICKEY MOUSE?!?!?!

Speedy: oh, hi michael rat

Mickey: Hoo Haa, I'm Mickey Mouse, and I've got a surprise for you!

Mickey:I've taken all the other residents of this [place you live], AND I SCATTERED THEM ACROSS THE WORLD

Speedy: aww, i thought the surprise was gonna be Owl House season 4

Zardeez: buh whie?

Mickey: idk im bored and you broke a rule at disney land once

Zardeez: oh ok, that's a good motive

Speedy: Yeah, that makes sense, to be honest, i never really went to disney land before, or disney world actually

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