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Here we are ! All fun can happen even with a little bit of rules ~

1. Follow the rules. Basic, right ? I'm pretty lean, not too strict, so please just try respecting it, alright ?

2. No one liners. I am a semi-literate to literate roleplayer. I will usually try to match up your length replies but please, do not give me half-assed replies or just one liners.

3. So, usual stuff here ! I would like for you to make an OC who's not a Mary Sue, please. I don't mind if they're powerful, but don't make them unlikeable. I want them to feel deep and full, not just a plain super-strong warrior. They can have flaws and fears !

4. You can do ANYTHING with your Oc (beside Mary Sue, obviously), just make sure to follow the form, just so we kinda get the whole ordeal here.

5. I noticed we all have the same favourites so, have a back-up character in case your crush might be taken with one of my OC ! I will usually adapt for you, but sometimes, I would just like for the character to be with my OC, so just in case, always have a plan B ! 

6. No spam, but I do tend to forget about this plateform sometimes so, if I don't answer within two days ? You can send me a reminder no problem ! I will warn you if I'm really busy !

7. I am more of a discord roleplayer so if you have it ? You can send it to me in dm so we can chat over there ! (Cause wattpad is tricky with me, doesn't like to warn me all the time about the texts I'm getting, that little trickster)

8. I have triggers and I'm sure some of you guys do to. I will avoid them at all cost, just tell them to me before-hand so I'm sure not to mention it !

9. NSFW is fine but only if you're 18+ ! It also can't be the main plot, I prefer if there is an actual adventure or drama happening, not just pure hard smut.

I think that should be all ! Honestly, as I said, I'm pretty open ! :D Hoping to rp with you all ! Have a great time here ~

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