OC #2

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Mikhaïl Ira

Nickname: None

Age : 24 years old

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Pansexual (but I personally prefer if he ends up with a man)

Love interest:

Mikhaïl needs someone strong and smart. He doesn't need a hero that puts himself in danger for others unless they prove to him that it advantages them all.

With that in mind, he probably would work with Macaque, Sun Wukong, Red Son and some others. Propose your ideas, I am very open. And he is too.

Species : Celestial

Friends: Yet to have any

Ennemies: Depending on what the plot might be, the enemies might change, just like the friends.

Personality :

Mikhaïl is a young male adult with an usually cheerful personality. Often seen smiling, he has little to no patience. He doesn't use words in case of an argument but his powers or his pistol, depending on which he'd feel the most like using. He doesn't compromise, so if you're on the receiving end of his wrath, make sure he isn't angry enough to kill you and run away as fast as you can.

Born into a rich and powerful family, his taste for luxuries is endless. What he wants, he obtains and if he has to fight for it ? Well, depending on the opponent, he may or may not decide he doesn't want that anymore.

Very vicious, he loves a good game of chase. Though, he has little to no strength and will always try to find a way to escape a real fight, unless he can overpower the enemy without too much trouble. If the enemy is stronger than him and he can't be killed by any pistol -magical or not- of his liking he's running away. He definitely is a coward and won't fight against someone he can't win against. He'll let his minions take care of the problem instead because he's never truly alone. Make sure to be careful of his shadows, who knows who can work for this man...

Mikhaïl can have friends and will remain as loyal as one can be. But, he is very cautious of them and over-read everything. A little doubt on one's honesty and he could very well shut them off completely so he can't be deceived and stabbed in the back. He has walls as high as the Wall of China and he doesn't make it fall for no one. Unless you're his One and Only.

Staying on the friend's subject, Mikhaïl isn't spoiling them. No gifts unless it's really a big event like birthdays - yes, even as an immortal he gives out gifts because he loves receiving some for his own birthday, that he definitely made up -. He also won't stand for weak-friends. He isn't here to risk his life for some friendship that doesn't even make that much sense. The only one he'll risk his life for is his One and Only. And even then, he would rather they fight together than protect him. He is a coward and he is afraid of pain more than of Death itself.

If a friend betrays his trust, he is dead. Mikhaïl won't go kill them himself but will send one of his minions that will torture the traitor. Then, they're left to rot in a room without any way of escaping with a very small amount of water and food for them to survive for as long as they can until they turn mad. If there is one thing Mikhaïl won't stand for, it's traitors. And he will tear them apart, make sure they learn their little lesson before they die anyway.

Mikhaïl believes in Love but he knows that not everyone will be lucky enough to just meet them out of the blue. He is realist enough to know that many might spend eternity without anyone at their side. That's why if he finds someone he believes might interest him, he'll learn everything he can about them. If anything displeases him though, he won't make any effort to keep the relationship up or go talk to them if they're strangers. He believes his One and Only is to be perfect for him, just as he is perfect for them. Everything is black and white, there is no gray.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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