3. Him <3

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You stay back and watch the ikrans and talk to yours specifically because you knew he could understand. Once you were done reassuring that everything was okay to your ikran and every other one, you started to head toward the rest of the sullys And you were shocked that the people that live at the reef look different then you.

a taller male fast walks your way and he looks kinda angry along with a shorter male, you are kinda scared of the taller males angry look so you Unintentionally put your ears back. Neteyam notices this and steps in front of you and you hid behind him. Ao'nungs eyes softened at this for a split second then went back to his angry look, not any normal person would have noticed this but you did and that made you more interested in him so you put your ears up in confusion and showed your face and tilted your head in confusion.

Eventually you show your whole body and stop hiding.
Ao'nung started circling your family but before he could Lo'ak and neteyam showed a sign, they lowered there hand from there forehead in respect. You remembered this sign! It means 'I see you'. suddenly you hear water splashing and you look over where you heard the water and you see A BEAUTIFUL woman come up from the water and you notice Lo'ak 'eyeing' her and you nudge his shoulder and smirked at him he rolled his eyes at this and kept eyeing her and eventually said 'hey' in a awkward way, you cringed at this. 

you heard the shorter male say "heh are those supposed to be tails" the two boy snickered at this and the beautiful woman says "do not" and then she says there names but you didn't quite hear her say the taller males name. the taller male seem mysterious to you, yet he didn't at the same time. The chief of the clan then came on warrior animals even tho they had very sharp teeth, you couldn't not be amazed at the  sight of them flying over you, you had the same connection to the ikran too. Then the chief talked with Jake and Jake mentioned that we seek Uturu which means 'sanctuary for my family' 

Tonowari then states "we are reef people you are forest people, your skills are not worth anything here" while ronol is circling us

"we- we'll learn your ways right?" Jake turns neytiri "yes" ronol then touches neytiri's tail, neytiri jerks her head to ronol. " their arms are thin, You will be slow in the water." She says as she touches tuk's arm, tuk runs over to Jake and hugs his arm. Ronol walks to kiri and grabs her hand then the other and says " these children aren't even real na'vi" she says as she holds up kiri's hands in the air, everyone gasps which makes you nervous you won't be able to stay in such a beautiful place. You can notice Jake gets worried too. "Yes we are" kiri demands as she pulls her hands from ronol. Ronol then walks to Lo'ak and holds his hand up with one hand on his wrist and one hand holding up his fingers to show everyone. "THEY HAVE DEMON BLOOD!" Ronol makes sure everyone hears her. Lo'ak looks embarrassed the same feeling you feel but yours is mixed with worry. Everyone gasps once more and steps back a little like were contagious, 'were not contagious so why are they acting like this' your mind is going a million miles per hour and has worried thoughts, embarrassed thoughts, and angry thoughts. 

Jake then showed his hand "look look! I was once a sky person but I adapted just like how we can adapt here." 

" my husband was Toruk Makto, he lead the clans to victory against the sky people" 

You get calmer 'this just might save us from having to move somewhere else, I like it here already ronol might not like us but I like it here and she has to deal with that'

"This you call victory, hiding among strangers? It seems eyes has turned her back on you 'chosen one'" neytiri Immediately hisses at ronol once she heard this, ronol return the favor. Jake and Tonowari are exchanging awkward looks. You along with Jake and Tonowari also feel the awkward tension in the air, but once you feel This tension you also notice something else, You feel eyes like daggers on you. You look around till you lock eyes with someone and that 'someone' is starring  intently back at you. It was the tall male again you maintained eye contact, you were confused why he was starring at you so you tilt your head in confusion and he smiles at this, after Jake was done apologizing for neytiri you got a little nervous and let him win our little starring contest and look away at your feet. 

- Those eyes - Ao'nung (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now