Prologue - The Debt Collector's Fall

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Reagland was supposedly heaven on earth to anyone who heard of it. Everyone who lived there was rich and wealthy, no one went hungry. Filled with the most generous people in the grand line. Beautiful men and women walked the streets without a care in the world, wearing opulent jewelry and accessories. Who wouldn't want a slice of that? Every word that slipped out about Reagland was a lie. The only truth to any of those words was that it was ruled by the rich. All of the Reagals (as they liked to be called) were from old money. Every last one of them had done nothing to earn what they had, and yet they despised those who just needed to get by.

Y/n never thought of herself as more than or less than any of her targets. She was simply doing business. If you ended up in her book, there's no telling what you would owe. If you were lucky and didn't owe her for something drastic, she would come up out of the blue and ask you if you wanted to pay off your debt, and she'd ask you for a favor or two. Maybe money, maybe a coat, maybe even a drink if she was craving one. Those that weren't so lucky either ended up in a hospital bed, or a grave. The one thing that everyone knew was that you never cross the Debt Collector.

And the Reagals hated it. With y/n around, no one was safe from prying eyes. They knew that the only person that they would be heald accountable to was Y/n. Money didn't sway her, nor booze, or even relations. She only cared that she gets what she was owed. And she did. She always did.

Of course, except for one awful time.

Y/n had found a group of Reagals haggling a small news boy. He was so frail, it seemed impossible that  he had eaten in weeks. He most likely hadn't. Y/n made her way through the group and to the little boy, ignoring the outrage behind her.

"I'd like a paper, please." She dropped 200 berries into the cup in his hand. "Oh and stay right there, I'll be right back."

She took the paper she bought and went on her way to a nearby bakery. The burning heat of stares bored into the back of her head as she walked. Y/n didn't mind at all. Even with passing remarks of, "you don't belong here." Or whispers left and right, "She's not from here, so how did she get the jurisdiction that she has." Y/n brushed it off like always, and walked into the bakery, purchasing a croissant, and then left. When she returned to the boy's previous location, he and the Reagals had disappeared.

Immediately, y/n began searching the area, looking for any clue of where the boy could have been. The only viable place for the boy to be, would be in the nearby alleyway. She had only been gone for a few minutes at most, so he couldn't have been far. And neither could the Reagals. It wasn't a happy thought, she wouldn't put it past Reagals to do as they pleased to a helpless little boy. As she entered the alleyway, she unwrapped her chain linked blades.

Although y/n was quick on her feet, she wasn't quick enough, nor was she in a stable enogh mental state to accept what happened. As a hand wrapped over her mouth with a cloth, she saw what appeared to be the little boy taking a few coins from the Reagals. The world started spinning, and y/n clawed at anything to let out her rage. It wasn't at the little boy, he was just trying to survive. The Reagals had played a sick game, bribing the boy, just to get her attention. As all went silent and dark, she felt a pair of arms pick her up, and that was the last thing she remained conscious for.

When she awoke, Y/n found herself in some sort of cell. It was completely open to the elements, and she had been cuffed to a chain on one of the bars. She knew that struggling against the restraints would only alert whoever was waiting for her. What worried her the most at the moment was that there were no weapons on her, noticing that everything had been taken from her. Y/n took in her surroundings to find that the cell was on a platform she had never seen before. The problem was that she could recognize where she was. Y/n was in the center of the city, just outside of the marine base. She was on display.

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