Anemo Crystalflies

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"It was a while ago, I can't remember exactly when. We were celebrating... ahh, I believe it was lantern rite."

Zhongli began, as Xiao watched with interest.

"I brought some Osmanthus Wine for the both of us, and we were drinking, slightly but our cheeks were still a little flushed.

Barbatos wasn't drinking that much, surprisingly, because he was too busy looking at something."

Xiao raised an eyebrow. "What could he possibly have been staring at that took him away from his alcohol?"

Zhongli smiled. "You."

Xiao blushed. "How do you know?"

Zhongli sighed. "I'll tell you."


"Are you enjoying the wine, Barbatos?" I asked.

"Oh yes, yes, I am."

I sighed, because he hadn't touched his glass.

"Is there something wrong with your wine?"

His eyes glanced back. "What are you staring at."

I asked. He leaned back, his white top's hood falling off his hair. He looked at me.

"Who is that person over there, with the cyan dyed tips?"
I looked around. "Who?"

He pointed.

"He's shorter than me, he's wearing purple bottoms, that beautiful cyan tattoo... mmmh, golden eyes, that skin tight shirt and the fact that he has an immortal aura. Is he an adeptus?"

I raised my eyebrows. I couldn't possibly help but wonder what exactly he wanted with you.

"I suppose yes, he is. He's a Yaksha-"A what?"

I told him about you, your siblings, your... how I found you.

When I was finished, he seemed more interested in the conversation.

"He sounds... wonderful. Can I meet him?" I shook my head, explaining to him that you didn't necessarily like people.

He didn't push, but seemed a little disappointed.

I asked him why he were so interested in you. He looked at me, quite seriously, and said, straight up to my face,

"Morax, I... I think I'm in love with him."

And I did not understand at the time.

But I paid attention to the sparkle in his eyes, the wanting in his body movements, I understand it now.

He looked how I assume I look whenever I talk about... Guizhong.

"His name, Barbatos, is Xiao."

Barbatos sighed like a lovesick teenage girl.

"Xiao." He muttered, testing the name out on his tongue.

"Xiao, Xiao, adeptus Xiao. Beautiful, beautiful name. Beautiful as he is."

I looked at him like he was crazy. He got up, thanking me for the hospitality. But he said he had to go.

He was and is obsessed with you, Xiao.


Xiao gasped, surprised at the information.

And then he blushed.

"He... I..."

Zhongli placed a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you tell him. I would never lie to you, Xiao."

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