The firsts

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Chloe's pov

I went to bed but then after a couple of hours, I woke up to the feeling that someone was watching me. I woke up and my eyes wondered over to the cloest which felt like it was breathing. I tried to go back to sleep be that feeling refused to go away. I was up half the night wondering whether it was the fact that it was a creepy house that was playing tricks on me. By the time my aunt woke me up to go to my new school i had gotten no sleep what so ever. I had decided after a whole lot of thinking that it was my mind playing tricks on me and that no one was watching me. I got dressed like my life depended on it, which if you think about it did because in my old town everyone knew me from elementary school , and there no one cared what you looked like, but here no one knew me so i had to make sure everybody remembered me and had a good first impression of me. I had to fight to keep my social life alive and the best way to do that was with my outward appearance. This was war this was high school. I walked out of the house feeling confident in my appearance. My aunt drove me to this new school, I felt like i was going to blow chunks i was so nervous. I walked in trying to look like i was not nervous at all. I walked in to the front office to pick up my schedule, i got it and they all seemed like normal class that a high school student would take It didn't seem odd tell i walked and notice that everything about this place was gloomy the students were just as bad even the cheerleaders were gloomy. I looked down at my schedule to see where my first class was. I kept walking and walked right into a wall but no one seemed to notice so i got up and was on my way. I walked into my first class just in the nick of time i sat in a seat near the back. No one noticed me which i really didn't care. The teacher started to teach and even how the teachers teach is gloomy. That when i decided i was not going to be gloomy like the rest of this school. About half way through the day it was lunch time i could not decide what i wanted so i turned to the person behind to ask what they thought i should get. I turned around to be met with a very handsome guy. he seemed different then the rest of the school but then the same at the same time. I asked him what he thought i should get. He said the salad was like the only eatable thing that they had today. I started to turn around but he stopped me by asking my name, after i told him mine i asked him his. We talked all the way though lunch, And with every word he said i felt myself falling in love with him a little bit more. I was even fell in love with his name Brandon. I don't know why i was falling so hard for him because he was nothing like the normal kind of person i fell for. At the end of lunch we traded numbers. I thought about why i was falling so hard for this guy. He painted his nails black he had a Mohawk he was mysterious. He was like everyone else in this school he was not happy it seemed if anything he seemed lost now that i think about it everyone seemed lost stuck in this small town with no where to go. I walked out of the school i started to walk home when i felt my phone vibrate. It was Brandon the mysterious boy from school that's when it hit me i was in love how mysterious he was. Today was full of firsts

Brandon's pov

I was standing in the lunch line when the girl in front of me asked what she should get to eat i said a smart answer. when she when to turn around i needed to know her name. she was different we don't get a whole lot of different in this town. when she said her name i knew i couldn't let her go i was captivated with how different she really was. when school was out i sent a quick text hoping we could talk i think i am falling. She was on my mind all the way home. i start to think what she had done to me. I knew i was going into the unknown with no map but she was worth it......

(A/N the outfit up above is the outfit Chloe wore to her first day)

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