the toture begins

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As I close my locker I hear the sound of hell starting, I heard her. "Hey japan give me you're credit card!" Shouted Jennifer, she knew I was rich well...the whole school  kinda found out because Jennifer couldn't keep her mouth shut.  "Well come on, don't just stand there! I want my money!" She said.
I took out my purse and threw my 1000s out to her face, I had enough of her stealing off of me.she scoffed at me "what was that!"
I replied "me throwing trash in the dump"you could hear the snickering and giggles the hall was giving her, Jennifer stormed out of there.

Later my friends finally came I was bored out of my skull!, nothing interesting anymore it basically felt like I was listening to things I already learnt in maths and other subjects all i wanna do is go to another school and become a officialpro hero.

The teacher interrupted my thoughts "miss Midoriya, if you're not interested in my class why are you here?" I didn't want to sugarcoat anything today so I just told the truth "it's kind of mandatory to be here" .
my teacher went silent and then said it you're so smart What are the first 1000000 digits of pi?" I just said the answer"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 etc The first 1000000 decimal places contain: 99959 0s, 99758 1s, 100026 2s, 100229 3s, 100230 4s, 100359 5s, 99548 6s, 99800 7s, 99985 8s and 100106 9"

The whole class went quiet, the teacher ignored me and continued.

Later on first class became my last and the only one I try to pay attention to even though I know the subject before the teacher tells us about it, mostly because my favorite teacher is in this class, yup science the only thing I pay attention to is the nice teacher who helped me with the problems at school and home, so I guess the teacher is my second mom (even though I never met my mom).

This time we were writing essay before school ends
And we were doing it in pairs so I waited until a dumb popular girl showed up and tried to get me to be her partner and I would end up doing all the work.
But that didn't happen because teacher basically paired us up for us and I got paired with the class representative she always helps so I was exited to be finally doing work with someone else.

While walking home I found someone waiting in front of my house (it literally is my house since I bought, I bought it since it was near the school and I don't like walking that long it gets annoying)
It was Jennifer apparently she  followed me home some how but as soon as I walked closer she yelled "how could you embarasse me like that! You're supposed to give me you're money!"

Wow this girl has no brains, she basically eats braincell-killers for breakfast
I was done with her nonsense
I walked right up to her and said
"jennifer you better start thinking because damn girl you can't cause
1. I don't wanna give you any damn money and
2. You need to stop thinking that you can just take my money and what made you think that?"
She went silent

🍀🦋Author's notes🦋🍀

🍀🦋So I basically have to do school work and this but you read this cuz you right now are and second I have a question
What do you think izuku's twin sis should look like?

Comment on that and I'll tell later how I picture her
Anyway I'm a busy person but I'm giving up my free time to socialize and writing so I have limited time but hopefully you will get the day you deserve!
You guys byeeeeee🦋🍀

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