𖤐Things have turned to Turmoil𖤐

30 2 7

TW: mentions of d3ath and the word k!ll(said somewhere I'm not sure)


"Well it's true! I don't believe in that anymore and I'm sick and tired of acting like I do!" You screamed. She stared at you, no emotion crossing her face.

"Well were me and your father not good enough for you? We did everything what more do you want!" she yelled. "I want you to realize that I don't believe in this religion anymore! Is that so hard?" You replied.

"For your family it is! We just want what's best for you and that is coming with us to the church and getting this whole thing out of your head." You shook your head no, "I'm not gonna go to the church just to be forced back into suffering and silence."

Your mother sighed "That's not what the church is about sweetie. It wants to help you realize that the world is wrong and those horrid drawings of yours oh don't even get me started." This whole thing started because she found your sketchbook and decided to look through it.

"Well you shouldn't have looked in my sketchbook anyway! You know that's how I get my thoughts and feelings out and you didn't respect it." You snapped back at her. "Well you should let me know what your feeling! I'm your mother after all." She replied.

You stared at each other. "I'm not going to the stupid church even if you try and force me to. That place is a shit hole anyway." "Y/N! That language is not permitted in this house and you know that!" She stared daggers at you.

"Well too bad because that's how I talk and if you can't accept that then that's a you problem." She looked at you trying to find any sign of weakness or hesitation. "Well I don't accept it and you shouldn't either." "Sucks to suck, mom." She sucked in a breath and then it was silent.

"Get out." your mother said after a moment. You were caught off guard, "What?" "You heard me. Get. Out." She repeated. "Mom, your joking." you said not believing her. "You're joking right?" You said a bit more worried.

"I'm not. I want you out of the house, you can't even try to believe in your religion so why should I try taking care of you anymore?" your mother said, looking you dead in the eye.

"Mom I'm sorry I just-" she cut you off. "No, you said you were tired of pretending to believe so I'm tired of pretending like I care about you." You stared at her wide eyed. "Now leave."

That was the last thing she said to you before walking away, leaving you to pack up your things; well as much as you could pack anyway.


You walked down the stairs holding your bags. Your father looked at you with disgust. Your mother and siblings on the other hand, looked like they didn't even care."Love you all too." You spoke rolling your eyes.

"Now Y/N don't do that in front of your parents let alone your siblings. You might teach them to be the same as you! God knows we don't want that to happen." Your father spoke sternly. You looked at him then to your mother. She just waved her hand towards the door. You scoffed "No goodbyes, no nothing?"

They all stared at you blankly. You huffed, stomping to the door "I hope you a rot in hell." You said slamming the front door. You heard your father yell something but didn't hear it over the door and you just didn't care.

You walked down the street wondering what to do with yourself and where you would stay for the night- 'Shit I didn't think of that, I only brought enough money for food and maybe a bus ticket.' You thought to yourself.

You sat down on a bench in the park. 'Maybe I could go back to the house? No your own mother told you to leave she would never want you coming back.' You let out a sigh and checked the time on your phone, it read 21:45 PM.

You looked around and noticed it was eerily quiet, that's weird normally people are out at this time. No cars on the street and not a trace of a human. It reminded you of a ghost town. You shrugged it off, 'Maybe they wanted to be with their family n stuff.' You decided to scroll on TikTok to pass time and see if people would start appearing.

Suddenly you hear a twig snap, you looked up from your phone, no one. 'Weird I could've sworn I heard something, maybe it was just a street cat.' you then looked around one more time and saw someone in the distance walking towards you.

You prayed to whatever being that was above of below that it wasn't anyone in your family. You let out a sigh of relief as you realized the figure was too tall to be anyone in your family. The figure got closer and you immediately felt tired. 'What i was just fine a minute ago and anyways we haven't even found somewhere to stay.' you yawned then realized the figure was standing in front of you.

"If you don't mind me asking why are you out on a park bench in the middle of the night? Thats not very safe if I do say so myself." the man said. Your eyes widened as you looked down at your phone 12:02 AM. the screen read.

"Oh well so um you see I was basically kicked out of my house and I was waiting for someone to pass by and I was also going to go find somewhere to stay the night and I guess I just lost track of time-" he cut you off "You need somewhere to stay?" You finally looked up at his face. He was wearing...a mask?

"Well yeah I do but if you don't want to take me I understand. Wait- what are you doing at the park in the middle of the night?" You questioned. "Oh well my master asked me to get something on short notice and I saw you and now we're here." the man responded.

'Master? This guy sure is weird also what's with the mask it's not like it's Halloween.' You thought. He interrupted your thoughts "Do you still need a place to sleep?" You sat there and after a minute said "If it's not too much trouble, I do need somewhere to stay."

He nodded picking up one of your bags. "Oh you don't have to carry any of that I mean you did offer me a place to stay." "It's the least I can do. Now if you'll please follow me." You slowly walked behind him.

About thirty minutes went by when he turned and walked directly in to the woods. "Your not gonna kill me right?" You said jokingly, still kind of worried about why he might be taking you into the woods. He just shook his head no and kept walking.

About twenty minutes had passed when you noticed the forest got a lot less dense. 'Wait why did I follow this man. I don't even know him! Oh my god he could kill me and no one would know or even find me at that matter.' You got a bit anxious but kept walking near the man.

You then noticed you were in a garden, a very well kept garden might you add. 'Why would he kill me in a garden? He could've just knocked me out in the forest and then boom dead.' He stopped and you ran into him with an oof. "Sorry I should've been paying attention." You apologized. "It's alright, we're here by the way just give me a few minutes and you can come in."

He walked up to the front of the house then turned and walked out of sight. You mumbled "Who the heck lives in the middle of the forest and let alone in a giant house!" You waited a few minutes then heard rustling around the corner. The man appeared again but now had two people with him.

One of them was also wearing a mask and the other one was wearing what looked to be skull face paint. "I'm very sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mountain this is my friend Swiss and my master Copia." He said pointing to them. "And you are?..." "Oh Y/N my names Y/N."

The man that I presumed was Copia spoke "I heard you needed a place to stay Y/N? We welcome you to stay here as long as you'd like and if you need anything you come find me or my ghouls and we can help." You slowly nodded. 'Ghouls? Like the ghouls with horns and pointy tails?'

You must have looked concerned because Copia spoke again "They aren't dangerous in anyway I promise. Now if you'll please follow me in." He motioned to the front door and started walking as you followed hesitantly.


This is the first chapter! I really hope you liked it and there will be more on the way. If i messed up on anything or your confused let me know and I will respond as quickly as i can.

Also if you have any suggestions please let me know!

Number of words: Nearly 1570 excluding this.

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