Chapter Nine:

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For once, Miya had something to look forward to. Mr. Sullivan was as mean as ever, but even on a Monday, Miya wasn't quite so down at school.

.snalp elbirret tsom eht ni trap gnikat ,ecnatstni roF .sgniht diputs tsom eht od ot dnet yeht ,etarepsed teg elpoep nehW

She'd taken this in steps, starting with the copying, then tracing the letters over the shapes, then rearranging it. For once, she had something to do that wasn't school or one of her dad's attempts to get her interested in something.

The only thing that bothered her was what she might find in the book.

So far, there was just a lot of randomness, like a person was trying to understand people's self-instituted ethics and understand it. But, the way it was heading, it looked pretty dark.

But, considering Miya hadn't even made it through one entry yet, she wasn't going very fast.

She wanted to go faster. Miya didn't really understand her obsession, but she didn't think that anyone else really understood their obsessions either. Maybe it was because decoding the book was something she was actually good at. If she could be credited with figuring out how to decode it in the first place. Finding the piece of paper in the binding had been a coincidence and she doubted everyone else could have missed it.

The real question was, what was her dad doing with it?

Then, a few days later, Miya found out why.

niktaL lehctiM

Mitchel Latkin.

Her dad's name was in the book.

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