Chp 2

61 3 9

(Notes at the end)

Cesar sat in the small cafe waiting, there wasn't many people there, just him and maybe a few college students that we're scatter across the random tables.

He decided to order something despite Mark not being there, there was no point in waiting for him in this case.

The two waitresses bickered in spanish before one of them made their way towards Cesar

"Hallo," The waitress asked in broken english, Cesar chuckled before replying

"El español está bien"

The waitress's eyes lit up and she gave him a big grin

"¿Qué le gustaría?" She asked

"¿Tienes sándwiches de tocino y huevo?" He replied


"tendré eso por favor"

The waitress walked off and Cesar was once again left alone, he checked the time every few minutes and always looked to see who had entered the cafe.

His sandwich came before he even got a sign of Mark, he was getting worried

"Mark is fine!" His inner voice told him "You have nothing to worry about"

Even then...Cesar was worried.

One hour went by...then another and another

At this point the cafe had closed and he was walking home, he passed the church one more time to see if Mark was there

the door was closed...but not locked

He peered inside, Mark wasn't there but the church wasn't empty, instead Cesar saw one of the priests

He was dressed in blue-ish clothing, his cross held close to his chest and he looked...nervous?

Despite his confusion, he backed away from the door and started to walk home, slowly as he walked he let his thoughts consume him...because of this, he didn't notice the tall shadow that followed him home.

Notes: Short chapter because i wrote it in class lmao, hopefully the continuing chapters get longer

There Is No Faith (Mandela Catalouge X Faith Unholy Trinity)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ