Neighbor's next door.

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Okay here is your room.
Aww is that the ballerina
Doll i had that dad gave me before..
Nevermind sorry mom.
It's okay sweety.
Well you better be getting unpacked
you got school in the morning.
Oh by any chance did you see my wallet? I think I left it in the car can you get it, I'm making dinner.
Okay fine.
* walks outside*
Um I think it's...
Hi young lady what's your name an old man said.
Remy said hesitantly" um I am... 13"
Oh come inside my house my wife had just made a freshly baked batch of cooki....
No! I'm fine i have to go anyways.
Remy why are you panting are you okay?
Yea jm fine.
Ok well dinner is ready.
*eating* is it good? mom asked
Yea im full im going to sleep.

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