The next door neighbor

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Remy wake up!
Okay okay im coming.
So are you excited for your first day of school?
Uh im a bit nervous..
Oh jenny posted a picture at the navy aquarium for one of the biggest field trips this year!
Oh cool honey, why don't you start heading out it's getting late.
*riding bike*
Wow that van looks awfully familiar.
Okay i am here finally.
Uh is it just me or is that person following me from my house"creep"
*walks to class*
"Ring ring ring"
Okay welcome back to algebra 2...
I do believe we have a new student here with us today..
*walks in*
Oh hello neighbor.
Uh hi
*grabs remy by the collar*
Why don't you introduce yourself to the classroom?
Hi my name is remy im 13 years old and i am from California.
Okay thank you does anyone know number eight?
Hmmm let's go with Remy.
But I didn't have my hand up.
I don't care awnser the question or your getting detention.
Thats incorrect pay attention in class more or you are failing my class
Especially with your disrespectful behavior and aditude.

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