Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Looooong chapter. (250% of my average chapter length) Have fun!)

(Your Pov)

First stop, the Sanctum. You and Loki had stopped by the kitchen for him to grab a bite to eat, much to Thor's despair that there were no more eggs. But you promised to make more some other time, and he was satisfied. So much so he didn't bother questioning Loki about his plans for the day, or why he followed you to the elevator.

Jarvis drove to the magic library, the name you've chosen to refer to the Sanctum, as you nor Loki knew how to drive. Along the way you thought of every and any excuse for him to stay in the car, but unfortunately the more you pleaded the less he would listen.

So you and Loki exited Tony's very fancy car, and entered the home of the Ancient One. You watched Loki look curiously around the large room, and the stone stairs that led to the second story. You smirked at how he tried to mask his curiosity with boredom.

"What is this place?" He whispered.

"The home of my sister, so be nice." You send him a softened glare, hoping your words would have any effect on him. If he wasn't overly nice to you, maybe he'd be tolerable to your 'family'. It was a hope, anyway.

Loki smirked. "Sister?"

"Y/N?" A portal appeared before you, gold sparks flying on the edges. It opened and closed as the Ancient One stepped through, a seamless show off. Impressing Loki, as he realised you knew some very powerful people. "I thought you were coming later."

"I know, there was... a change of plans." You gesture to the prince behind you, who was too busy sizing up this new sorceress to pay attention to your actions. That, or he didn't bother to care. "I hope we're not interrupting."

"Of course not." She smiled, sparing a glance to his direction. Amusement in her eyes when she turned back to the task at hand. "You brought your previous lessons?"

You smile, focusing a second to summon the book. It was only in the car, allowing you the short distance for this trick. It appeared in your hands suddenly, and the thick volume nearly made you tumble over.

Loki and the Ancient One snickered.

"I still need some practice." You smile, embarrassed for such a simple mishap in front of such practiced magicians.

"As does anyone." She smiled, opening a portal to the library. Gesturing for you to follow. You stepped through and Loki moved to follow, before the One placed out a hand to stop him. "Not you."

"What?" Loki scoffed, his charm suddenly lost to offense. "I am a master magician, surely I'm allowed-"

"I don't care what you are." The One said pleasantly, "I have no business with you. Wait here or outside." You bit the inside of your cheek from the confrontation, knowing full well it must be infuriating for Loki to be shut out from magical societies. If he was such a master magician, no doubt he had a house seat at magic meetings in Asgard.

But for magical Midgardians to shut him out?

"I will not-" Loki stepped forward, as the portal closed around the two actually allowed to enter the deeper levels of the Sanctum. You couldn't help but laugh. Loki needed to be put in his place, and obviously you had failed to do so. But the sorcerer supreme?

"I am so going to pay for that." You grumble the afterthought, once your laughter was spent. Most of it. The thought of Loki finally being put in his place was welcome, but now you had to face the rest of the day with his questions. And his revenge, no doubt.

But fortunately you had a magic money plastic card that would swipe away any and all damages from your worries. If he set the mall on fire, knocked something over, or just stole books, Tony would be paying for it. His idea, his money.

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