Chapter Fifteen

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(Your Pov)

"You made Pinnekjøtt?" Loki asked, having finally left his spot in the living room. You couldn't help but smile as the braids in his hair only added to the adorability of his question. He seemed so hopeful to have a taste of home.

"Well I know it's not a holiday, but it's been forever since I've had any. Plus, the team doesn't really eat anything other than take out." You try to justify your actions, the lamb chops on the counter smelling delicious. You learned to make the dish from a family in Norway, some 700 years ago. Around the same time Loki and the Asgardians got drunk on Midgard. "Although, it's been a long time since I've made any, so I might be a bit rusty."

A small smile graced Loki's lips, the only hint to his excitement for the meal. That's what you assumed, anyway. Yes, perhaps there were other dishes you could have made instead. But you figured a familiar dish might make up for any grievances he held against you. Maybe it wasnt exactly your fault that you're stuck in the tower babysitting him, but Loki has been known to overlook such details when in a mischievous mood. Perhaps this way, you'd be spared.

Not to mention that maybe you thought the prince deserved some kindness. The others rarely taking the time to even glance his way without hatred in their eyes.

"So, are we going to eat now or wait for the others?" You asked your company for the night, wondering if he cared at all.

Before Loki could respond, a thump on the roof shook the building. So much for a private meal. "I don't think there is an option." He started threading hands through his hair, unwinding the braids.

If you knew him better, you might have said Loki looked guilty. If you were mortal, you might have claimed his hands hesitated in between each braid undone.

But you weren't, so such things were preposterous.

Sure, Loki could technically be considered friendly now. You've done well to gain that. But why would he ever care about keeping his braids?

"What is that delicious smell!"


The Avengers arrived, exchanged pleasantries, and joined the two of you for dinner. The few sides you made earlier passed around, as compliments rained down upon you. No one knew you were such a great chef.

Especially the Asgardians. Thor made it obvious how much he loved how you made a dish so similar to his homeland's, and you even caught a few savorous moments from Loki. Not that he dared break his cold behavior in front of the others.

"How did you learn to make this?" Natasha asked, as you explained the tale from memory. Well, perhaps a bit embellished at parts, but mostly from memory.

You didn't know what Norway looked like nowadays, but you described the people the best you could. The team quieted their own conversations as you spoke, enthralled with the warm-hearted folks who taught you their family recipe. "But that was years ago. I think they've moved on now."

The others commented and continued their conversations from there, as you bantered about common things. Until Tony decided to annoy the mischief maker. "What's with your hair?"

Loki paused, looking up to find a team of heroes who had all stopped to see what Stark was talking about. It was a bit crinkled, sure, but overall Loki had done a fairly good job at lying it flat again. "Nothing."

"Oh come on, you two make out or something? I know what happens to hair after someone threads a hand through it, trust me." He dragged you into his teasing, making you choke on your drink. What the hell was he going on about?

But you made a promise, didn't you? Loki wouldn't get teased because you practiced with his hair.

"Shut up, Tony." You sigh, setting your drink down absentmindedly. "Why are you even concerned with Loki's hair? Are you jealous that yours could never grow so long?"

Your joke pulled some smirks from the team, as their attention spread back out from the prince. "That's not denying you made out..." the billionaire tried to focus the teasing once again, only for his words to die out as his drink started floating away from him. "What the f-"

"Just because your playboy ass would kiss the first woman you were alone with, doesn't mean that every other man does the same. You want a denial? Fine. We didn't make out." The words ran from your mouth in a waterfall of syllables, dropping with increasing defensiveness. Why did Tony always have to question everything? You and Loki could barely be considered acquaintances.

But what you didn't notice in your rising annoyance, was how Stark's floating drink spread its curse to the other objects near his meal. The phenomenon of veggies frozen midair stopping all conversation. But the Avengers, knowing nothing about magic themselves, could only shrug off such an occurrence as nothing more than 'magic stuff'. Even Thor, who's familiarity with the craft couldn't help him realise how much of a danger this new spread was.

But Loki knew. And while all eyes were stuck on the floating objects, his were stuck to you.

Until your concentration snapped, and everything clattered against the table once more. Miraculously most of the food had landed on the plate, the drink not so lucky. Its contents spilled over Stark's food, reducing the meal to resemble a stew. "Hey!"

"Oh shit!" You jump out of your seat, the sudden movement and recent expenditure of magic dragging against your mind. As the edges of your vision blurred for a moment, a faint feeling commanding your limbs. But you hid your symptoms. "Sorry Tony, I didn't mean to go that far."

"Sure you didn't." He grumbled, using his napkin to dab away the liquor staining his pants. "I'm going to change."

"Sorry..." you whisper after him, wondering how you could be so careless to lose your concentration so quickly. You only meant to freak him out a little with the newfound spell.

Not drench Iron Man.

You start cleaning the mess your magic made, apologizing again to the bystanders. How you didn't mean to do that, you should have known better, it's a new spell, on and on with every excuse you could think of. The others shrugged off the accident, and even turned a blind eye if it was on purpose. Because Tony should know better than to pick on magical beings.

Hopefully, he would remember that.

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