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Holy fuck.

There was a familiarity in the way she spoke, in the way she breathed after every sentence, in the way she smiled. Even her tears had seemed familiar to me like I had spent years wiping away her tears for her. Looking at them falling down her cheeks and slipping down her chin, it was almost like I knew what they felt like, how they tasted against my lips.

It was absurd and it was driving me up the damn wall.

Jayden and Keegan sat in the back of the car and I sat in the passenger seat alongside her. I was fucking enraptured by the love I could feel radiating off of her to the two boys in the back, especially Keegan. He seemed oblivious to it in the back as he laughed hysterically with Jayden, but I wasn't. As I watched her eyes flicker to watch him through the rear-view mirror, I knew— I saw.

She loved him in ways words couldn't begin to describe.

I hadn't learned much about the two from what they told me, but I started to piece bits together. It seemed like the two lived together. She was making the money and providing for him as he went to school and prepared for college. They didn't talk much or at all about their lives or what they did outside of school, work, and eating. They seemed really close with Jayden, joking about things together and laughing along as he spoke on tangents.

In the backseat, Keegan stretched his arms over his head, "I'm so tired,"

Jayden shuffled around and patted his lap, "Come on. Lay down, princess."

Keegan rolled his eyes before slapping him lightly on the shoulder, "I told you to stop calling me that. It was one time." Keegan rustled around but eventually laid down on Jayden's lap.

Jayden snorted, "I will be calling that until either the day you or I die. Plus, I wasn't going to say—" Whatever words were about to come out of his mouth were muffled by Keegan's hand.

"Say anything and I'll fucking murder you," Keegan whispered as Jayden laughed behind his hand. Keegan groaned and instantly recoiled, wiping his hand on his pants. "I hate you,"

Jayden winked at him and slapped his cheek lightly, "Love you too, Keeg,"

I turned and watched Aurelia's warm smile as she drove down the highway. She gently tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as she laughed under her breath. I smiled at that.

She quickly glanced towards me and offered me a smile, "You said that you used to be really good at basketball..."

I nodded, fixing my body towards her, "Yeah, I got into a really bad injury during my second year of college. Couldn't play again."

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