1. Spilled Coffee

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It was supposed to be like any other Thursday for Choi Beomgyu. Wake up, skip breakfast because he slept through his phone alarm and hurry to work like his life depends on it. You know, just Beomgyu things. He can't be late again or he's sure he'll get fired right on the spot. Usually his roommate Soobin wakes him up since they're also co-workers at the coffee shop he works at, but seeing as Soobin had his annual check up at the doctors early this morning, Beomgyu is on his own. Today of all days, really?

He can see the several missed calls and text messages on his phone of Soobin asking where he's at, he's already at work and is trying to give their manager a good reason as to why Beomgyu is thirty minutes late. At this rate, he needs an actual alarm o' clock, like the super noisy ones that make your ears bleed and wake the dead from six feet under.

His phone alarm just isn't enough, he needs to be plunged into utter fear and confusion when he hears the high pitched ringing from those old fashioned alarms. That should get his blood and adrenaline pumping. Making a mental note to himself to look some up online later, he sends back a text to Soobin, saying he's literally on his way and to give him ten minutes. He's going to run all the way there if he has to like an olympic runner, hoping he at least makes it to third place among the other employees.

He makes haste, going through his morning routine as quickly as possible before he's out the door running like an allstar, get your game on, go hey~! But as he's rushing in his sleep deprived state (because he's not feeling it yet Mr. Krabbs), he has the sudden urge to put some chapstick on mid run because yeah, that's what any normal person would do while running to work, right? He can't show up to work with dry lips now can he?

While rummaging through his shoulder bag, he turns around a corner, too occupied to notice the other person also turning around the corner. It's unfortunately too late by the time Beomgyu finally pays attention to where he's going and it all happens so fast, but the aftermath feels like a freeze frame as he stares at the handsome man before him. The look of utter shock on the other's face kills Beomgyu's soul just a little more. How could this happen to him? (Like he wasn't the one running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.)

The overwhelming feeling of embarrassment has Beomgyu internally screaming as he tries to get out an apology, one that he stutters with. His worst nightmare has just happened, how does he recover from this? The look on the handsome man's face morphs into an awkward smile, yet it still gets Beomgyu's heart racing even more.

"It's okay," the man says, assessing the situation by glancing down and pulling at his soaked button up. Of course he was wearing white, highlighting the spilled coffee even more.

"Was the coffee still hot?" Beomgyu dares to ask, dreading the answer more than anything. What if this guy decides to sue him for burns?

"No, I fortunately opted for an iced coffee today," the man replies and Beomgyu lets out a sigh of relief. "But are you okay?"

"M-Me?" Beomgyu asks, eyes widening with pure confusion. "I'm the one who ran into you though!?"

"I know, but that doesn't mean you couldn't have gotten hurt too," the man says with a hint of a chuckle, his expression shifting into concern. Beomgyu can't help but stare, noting just how handsome the stranger is with his big doe eyes and perfect teeth peeking through his smile. "What's the rush? Late for work?" He watches as Beomgyu fumbles to check the time on his phone, dropping it in the process. It's clear to him that Beomgyu is ready to accept defeat by the way he drops his head in shame, not even bothering to pick up his fallen phone to see if it's broken.

"Well, what else could go wrong?" Beomgyu mutters under his breath as the other man kneels down to pick it up for him. "Let me reimburse you for the coffee," he says, fishing out his wallet and handing over a few bills.

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