Chapter 3: Uh Oh

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(Alright, Chloe Moretz will be played as Jasmine now.)

Jasmine's P.O.V

"How did we switch?!" I exclaimed while pointing at MY body.

"I don't know! I just woke up and poof, I'm in your girly body!" Mitch said while gesturing my body.

"Me too! I woke up and here I am, in your stupid body.." I mumbled at the end, jokingly.

"How are we gonna- Hey! My body is not stupid!" I giggled at him as he glared at me.

"Don't ever, ever giggle. It looks girly.. Especially when you are on my body." He said while leaning back at the wall. Few floors away until we reached down.

"By the way, how do manage to walk with this tight leggings!" He asked with point in my black and white stripe leggings.

"It takes skills." I jokingly said. Mitch glared but then turned into a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Well,this chest part is kinda big.." I blushed furiously, thinking of him touching that part. Two can play that game.

"Maybe I ahouild do this then.." I then put my hands on my hips, my left knee bended a little and I tilted my head to the side so my pose looks like really girly.

If I could only have a camera, I would take a picture of Mitch's horrified face.

"Oh my god, if you do that, people think I'm gay!" I laughed at him. We finally reached to the ground floor.

"Okay, let's discussed this at the cafeteria." Mitch said while turning around, only his hair caught in his face. He spits it out before he flipped it.

"You really need to get a haircut!" He said and started walking. My jaw dropped before catching him up.

"No! Do you realized that I wait for my hair to grow for years now?!" I asked him as we entered the hospital's cafeteria. Mitch shrugged. "I thought they grow faster?"

"That's because you are a boy and I am a girl. Girl's hair grow slower and boy's hair grow faster!" I explained, getting weird looks from other people.

Oops, I'm supposed to be a 'boy' and Mitch's supposed to be a 'girl'.

"Okay, let's talk serious." I said before dragging him to an empty table.

"By the way, I never noticed how cute I look wearing that clothes." I said with a smirk as we both sat down. He rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't care how you looked. Look at me, those clothes look sexy than I thought." He said, while pointing at my clothes.

"Yeah.. Never wink at me again. Anyways back to business. How do we switch back again?" I asked, little bit concerned of the situation.

"All I know is that I was driving with my car to go to Jerome's house. Then there was a red car behind me. We were having a little competition on who will be ahead first. Then there was a Solar eclipse that I have been given news through the radio, I blacked out and bam! I'm in your body!" Mitch explained to me.

"Wait, red car you say?" I asked him again and he nodded. My eyes widened.

"I-I'm the one who is driving the red car!" I said to him as he gasped in shocked.



"Oh my god.." He said while he facepalm.

"I get it now.." I heard him mumble as I looked at him.

"What? What did you get?" I asked.

"You were at the front and we both got into an accident right? When we crashed, we somehow got switched from the sudden impact!" My jaw drop.

"Holy crap, I haven't thought of that! Wait, let's try and ran into each other! Maybe we'll switch back!" I suggest while standing up. Mitch nodded before looking around.

"Let's do this somewhere else.." My face lit up.

"The parking lot!" As soon as I said that, I grabbed his hand and started to dragged him out of the hospital. I couldn't help but blush at that and is weird 'cause I felt sparks..

I shrugged off that thought and headed at the parking lot.

Mitch's P.O.V

As soon as Jasmine held my hand and started dragging me, I blush of that and felt sparks. I haven't felt like that since my ex-girlfriend, Natalie.

I shook my head from that thought as we arrived at the parking lot. I ran to the other side and stop.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" And we charged to each other, once we bump to each other, we both fell down and groaned.

"Did it work?" I asked while looking at her. Nope, we are still in each other's body,

"Fuck, I thought that was supposed to work.." I heard Jasmine muttered. I sighed before standing up and help her.

"Now what are going to do?" I asked, another sighed escaped from my lips.

"I don't know.." Suddenly, realization hit me.

"Wait, during the solar eclipse, we both looked at it right?" She nodded.

"Maybe during that, we somehow switch because of the solar eclipse! Its like, curse or something!" I said while flailing my arms around. Jasmine facepalm.

"Of course! You were right! Let's crash each other again with the solar eclipse again!" My face turn happy into a scared one.

"But we have a problem.."

"And that is??"

"It Only Comes Once Every Two Years.."


Yay! I updated!

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