Peirce x Lorelei

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"So, did It hurt?"

Peirce stared at her in confusion. "Did what hurt?" "When you- fell from... uh, hold on." He watched as Lorelei progressively lost confidence as she spoke, before finally resigning to pulling out her phone. Lorelei's face reddened as she scrolled through her notes app, trying to wade through the possibly hundreds of pickup lines she'd written down. Her embarrassment grew when she looked up and realized Peirce had been watching her. Nevertheless, she cleared her throat and committed to the cheesy flirting. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because boy, you look like an angel!" Yes it was corny, and yes it was kind of ruined when she messed up. But she wouldn't give up. Despite Peirce wanting to ask what an angel (or heaven) was, he knew enough to know that would only embarrass her more; and that it seemed to be a compliment of some sort. Rather than making things more awkward, he just smiled and thanked her. Which seemed to be the right choice when Lorelei flashed that lovable smile, one of the very few things that could bring the proud Daemos general to his knees.

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