Festivities (Yami Sukehiro - 🍋)

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"Hey Captain Y/N! What's the matter? You look so upset!"

I had some great kids on my squad. This festival was their time to go out and have some fun, but they were always checking in on me. I did appreciate it, but closed my eyes in the dark alleyway, blowing out the smoke from my cigarette:

"I'm alright, kid. Don't worry about me. Go enjoy the festival."

"You're lying!" He knew, pointing out, "You only smoke when you're angry or stressed out!"

God damn it, these kids knew me too well. Still, I shook my head:

"It's nothing serious, I promise. Now, go before I put you to work or something."

"You enjoy the festival too, cap!" He insisted, running off and as I finished my cigarette, I thought that maybe he was right.

I know it's so immature, being jealous of Charlotte and Vanessa who were trying to impress Yami. That man sure had a good bit of girls wanting him, sadly I was one of them too.

Maybe some food and a drink would help me out. Stepping out of the alley, that was my first goal, getting the biggest mug of beer someone was selling at their booth, downing it, and hearing as I passed some more booths:

"Try some of our delicious squid!"

"How about some of this!"

Asta and that Bah-ha kid?

Glancing over, there was Jack and Yami, clearly in a competition to sell more food than the other.

"Come on, Captain Y/N! I promise you'll love it!" Asta offered to me, and it was hard to tell him no, I had a soft spot for the kid, but I heard Yami's voice that was directed at Jack:

"Y/N and I are good friends! She knows I can cook!"

"Ha! Yeah right! Y/N and I used to be on the same squad!"

God, Jack and Yami's yelling was starting to give me a headache, chugging down the rest of my beer and thinking about Charlotte and Vanessa again when I saw Yami, I took the meat from that Bah-ha kid, taking a bite and murmured:

"Thanks, kid."

"What the hell, Y/N!" Yami yelled out and I got a chuckle out of that, walking away from their continuous yelling:

"Told you so, Yami!"

Jack managed to surprise me with his food. It was impressive considering that he made it, finishing it and while exploring more of the festival, my attention was grabbed when I heard a while later:

"Charlotte and Vanessa are having a drinking contest!"

I had to get a peek at that, seeing them both face down on the table meanwhile, neither one of them had finished a single glass.

"How pathetic," I took this as a chance to one-up them, heading to the table and downing drink after drink, having the crowd that was watching cheer, wiping the foam off my face as I finished the very last one, "That's how you drink, ladies."

In the crowd, I saw Yami. Some chatter I heard when I first came over made it clear that those two girls were trying to out-drink each other to impress him. Well, now I was the one standing tall, laughing while I took a cigarette, lighting it up, and heading off considering the star ceremony was soon:

"Thanks for the free drinks, chumps."

"Hey Y/N-" Yami's voice trailed behind me, but I didn't bother to stop, only reminding him:

"Shouldn't you be going to the castle for the ceremony? Better move your ass."

That stopped him in his tracks for a change, not caring and heading over for the ceremony. Truthfully, I barely paid attention. All those drinks were starting to catch up with me and there was something about Black Bulls getting second place. Who would've guessed?

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