New Motivation (Magna Swing -🥰)

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"I don't plan on taking it easy on you, Magna!" I was all smiles, but dead serious while opening my grimoire, ready for this little sparring session.

"I don't either!" He spat cockily, readying himself, "If I can take you down, I'll definitely get Luck next time!"

I rolled my eyes at his comment about Luck. All they knew how to do was fight one another, but Magna was my best friend and if sparring with him made him stronger, I had no problem sparring. 

"Sure about that?" Using my gravity magic, the fireball he had formed in his hand started to fall to the ground along with the rest of his body.

"Hey! I didn't say go!" 

"So?!" I laughed, turning my back, thinking I had already won, "Too easy, Magna!"

"Just who are you laughing at-" Groaning through his words, I turned my head to the side to see fire, flame blinding me, grazing the side of my face, searing my hair at the ends a little, "HUH, Y/N?!" 

He shouldn't be able to stand upright with how I was manipulating the gravity, let alone throw fire like it was some toddlers play ball. 

"Want more?" Fixing my hair and walking over, "Let's see if you can dodge these!"

Creating a small zone of mana, my gravity magic allowed me to move quicker and made me more agile, so I could save stamina, but for Magna? He was tripping over his own two feet, just barely able to stand and dodge my punches.

"WOAH!" He squealed, noticing how fast they were coming, "HOLD UP A SECOND!"

"If you could throw a fireball, you can throw punches!" I didn't slow down, he was slowly improving so I added more pressure, so he could mold under the heat.

"Is this a mana zone?!" He didn't know for sure because I never told anyone about my mana zone. Not too many people that I knew who were our age, weren't capable of such things. 

"Yeah, you're one of two who's seen! Congratulations!" Now I was growing annoyed, holding back a punch that he went to dodge, sweeping him off his feet next, placing my foot on his chest as his back hit the ground, "Now, are you going to shut up and focus or not?"

Staring at the sky with frustration in his eyes, he quickly covered his face with his hair falling, backhanding the ground, over and over:

"Damn it! I'm never gonna be strong like you guys!"

"Magna, look at me," I said softly, keeping our gaze locked as he only peeked through his fingers, dropping and sitting on top of him, taking his hands away so he'd look at me, "You are strong and if you talk bad about yourself again, I'm actually going to kick your ass."

His cheeks were red like tomatoes, eyes hiding behind his bangs as he murmured, "But I'm not. I can't do anything alone. I'll never beat you or Luck."

"You're the second person who's been in my mana zone, and the only one who was able to move in it. You know that?"

Finding my gaze again, his expanding pupils showed his shock, growing teary when I also noted:

"You also caught me off guard with that fireball."

Showing the slight burn on my cheek, proved how close he was to getting a direct hit, but the sight made him panic:

"Oh, crap! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Shush," Putting my finger over his lip, my smile showed that I was fine, trying to raise his spirit, "It stings a little, but I'll live. This is about you. You are strong, Magna. And if you can move and fight in my mana zone? Just a little bit more practice and you'll kick Luck's ass, and maybe kick mine."

He was still conflicted with his emotions, trying to hide his voice as he wiped at his eyes:

"I wish."

"You're stronger than you know, Magna," I cooed, taking his hands away again, seeing how quickly his chest was heaving when my head fell, kissing him softly.

Struck with a good shock, he was frozen, then melted when he kissed back, interlocking our hands, still going for more when I picked my head up.

"What? Want another kiss?" I teased, leaning back down as he nodded, stopping right before our lips touched again, "Beat Luck and you'll get another one."

"You're cruel," He pouted, making me laugh and feel a little guilty:

"Alright, fine. One more." 

Pouring more passion into this one, I was hoping that my kiss would not only let him know that I believed in him but also, encourage him to keep getting stronger. 

He held my hands even tighter, panting when I gave one last peck before pulling away, "And I'll even change my little offer. Beat Luck and we can go on a date. How's that sound?"

"I'm gonna beat the crap out of him," He panted, as serious as ever, the look of seriousness making me laugh:

"That's a fight I'm looking forward to watching."

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