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I take a deep breath, before walking out of the hot sun, into the cool building. I am immediately greeted by someone sitting behind the front desk. "Hello, welcome to Lockwood University, how can I help you?" The woman says, with a kind smile on her face. I walk up to her. "Hello, I'm new here, the email I got said that I would get my timetable, map, and dorm key here?" I respond to the woman, whos name is Brittney, according to her name plate.
"Yes, that's correct, so if you could just tell me your name?"
"Rachel Moore"
"Alright, here you go," she says, handing me my timetable, and a map of the University, which I'm sure I would become completely lost without.

"Your classes start tomorrow, and you have dorm number 130. Your luggage is already dropped off in your dorm." "Alright, thank you so much!" I say, while taking the key she hands me."
It's a very small key, with a round number plate on it, '130' engraved in it.

I put the key in my pocket, and take a look at the map. I see that the dorm building is at my right, so I start walking towards it, while checking out my timetable. The classes I have tomorrow are English and math. "Alright, I hope I have a nice math professor, I love math, but not when I have a shitty teacher." I mumble to myself. Oh, yeah, I have a big habit of talking to myself, it gets really embarrassing sometimes.

I see that I have to go straight on, or that I have to take a right, so I check my map again. "Alright, so I'm already in the dorm building, now I just have to find my own dorm." I mumble.
According to the map, the dorms 100 to 150 are to my right, and the dorms 161 to 200 are straight on. Now having the information I needed, I lower my map, and take a right turn.

However, I'm immediately stopped, when I fully bump into someone. I immediately feel warm hands on my shoulders, keeping me upright.

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