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I read the dialogue again, and write down the differences between the characters. I make sure to explain in detail about their emotions, just like Mr Downey told us. I glance over at Storm, curious what she has written down.

"You, over there, what's your name?" Mr Downey snaps while pointing at me.
"My name is Rachel, professor." "Alright, Rachel, focus on your own paper, I'm sure you can do this by yourself." He snaps.
I glance over at Storm and roll my eyes.

I focus on my own paper again, writing as much differences down as I can. I hear some shuffling in the front of the classroom. I look up to see that Mr Downey has gotten up from his desk, and is walking through the classroom, checking what people wrote down.
I continue working on the assignment.

I hear a deep voice in my ear, a hot breath on my neck. "That one, 'Isabella is showing her emotions with her body language, while Richard is trying to tell her with words how he feels, and is totally ignoring her body language' is completely correct, good job." Mr Downey praises with a deep, raspy voice, resulting in my face feeling hot and my heart beating fast.

I feel my heart beating even faster when I realise that he's bend over my shoulder, pointing at my paper, what results in his bicep brushing against my shoulder. He's so close, that I can feel the warmth radiating from his body, while constantly feeling his hot breath on my neck. He stays in this position for another few seconds, before standing upright again, and moving to the next student.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, while looking over at Storm with wide eyes, my face still bright red. She looks back, confused why my face is bright red. I realise that she hasn't seen what happened. I nod my head towards Mr Downey, but she still doesn't get the hint. "I'll explain later." I softly whisper.
She subtly nods her head in agreement, and gets back to her own assignment.

When Mr Downey reaches Storm, I slowly examine the situation from the corner of my eye. There is one thing I immediately notice.

He isn't bend over, and is very far from being as close to her as he was to me.
He does point to something she wrote down, but he makes sure not to touch her anywhere.

Then he suddenly turns his head around, and locks eyes with mine.

Shit, he totally caught me looking.
I think to myself, when I see a smirk forming in the corner of his lips.

Storm looks at me, then at Downey, and at me again. Then I see her face lighting up, indicating that she catched on to what's happening. She snaps her head back at her own paper when Mr Downey rips his eyes away from mine, not wanting that Downey knows that she knows.

He walks away from her, and over to Tom. And then over to another student, and another.
I can't help but notice that he doesn't touch anyone else. That he doesn't praise them with his lips right next to their ear. That he doesn't let his breath hit their neck.

And when he walks away from a student, he briefly locks eyes with me and holds eye contact, what leads in me blushing and looking down. And oh, he likes that, because he does it every damn time after that. Every damn time he walks to the next student, he locks his eyes with mine, softly smirking when I snap my eyes away, blushing, unable to hold eye contact.

When he finally walks back to his desk, he claps his hands together, and speaks loudly. "Alright, I've seen a lot of good things. Now, everyone will go to the board, and write down their best difference. Go!"
Everyone gets up, and walks to the board, notebook in hand. I'm somewhere in the middle of the group, Storm is somewhere in the front, together with Tom.

The student who went before me, hands me the marker, so I write down the difference mr. Downey complemented me on. While writing, I feel eyes burning into my back. So, when I'm done writing, I immediately turn around. I lock eyes with the one who was burning his eyes into my back, and he quickly looks away.
Looks like I caught you now, Downey.

I walk back to my seat, and let myself fall into it. Storm immediately leans over to me. "Looks like I'm not the only one who has a crush on their professor." She whispers. I give her a light smack on the shoulder while grinning slightly. "I can't help that he's flirting so much." I say, now slightly blushing. "You should flirt back girl, get that man." Storm whispers to me while giving me a wink. I roll my eyes, and sit straight in my seat again.

The last student sits down in their seat and Mr. Downey stands up from his desk, walking over to the board. He scans all the answers, and draws a circle around a few of them. "I want you all to write down those differences that I encircled if you didn't think of those yourself. Those are the most important ones."

I was writing them down, when I notice that my answer is surrounded by a circle too. I slightly smile to myself, feeling a bit proud of myself.

When everyone is done writing the differences down, Mr. Downey concludes the lesson.
"Let this lesson be an example of how most of my lessons will be in the future. You all worked hard, I'm satisfied. Nevertheless, you still have to do some homework.

I want you all to write down a small scene of about 250 words with the characters that we have covered today, in a completely different setting. You are all dismissed."

I quickly write down the homework, trowing all my things in my backpack after. I stand up and wait until Storm is ready too. We walk out of the classroom together.

Tom joins us shortly after, already excitedly chatting about something.

I'm not really paying attention to him, my thoughts somewhere else. Or should I say, about someone else?

While walking through the hallways, we chat about the class we just had, particularly about how strict professor Downey is.

When we reach the reception hall, we part ways with Tom. "Bye girls, see y'all later!" He says while giving us a little wave. We wave back, turn around, and start walking towards our dorm.

Right when we've turned the corner, Storm explodes with excitement.

"Oh. My. God. Rach! What the hell happened!?" I quickly shush her, even though the hallways are almost completely empty.

"I don't know either, I was just doing my work and then he leaned over me, touched me, praised me, and he made eye contact a lot. Oh my God, was he flirting with me!?" I ramble quickly.

Storm chuckles in response. "Wow girl, calm down. And yes, that was definitely flirting." She says, sending a smirk my way. "And I thought Mr Evans was flirting with me with the handshake and the short glances, but this was way more intense!" She squeals excitedly.

"Storm, you do realise that he's a professor, and I'm a student, right?" "Yes I do, but feelings have no boundaries." "We don't even know if he already has someone. Maybe he's married with three kids!" "Well then he'd be a massive dickhead for flirting with you!" "Alright, fair point."

We arrive at our dorm, and I whip out my key to unlock it. We walk into the dorm, the both of us walking towards our own room. I let my backpack drop to the floor and set myself down on my bed. I spend the entire afternoon and evening reading, doing homework, and daydreaming about a certain person...

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