Season 1, Chapter 12 "Pure chaos"

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After we finished with the ceremony, it was time to announce the new king to everyone else. We gathered everyone together and Niragi started speaking "I'm here to tell you that we have a new leader. Hatter is no longer with us. And a new leader is chosen. Aguni is our new leader"he said. The crowd started murmuring. Niragi didn't like that at all. He got mad "Everybody, shut up!" He screamed. I felt uneasy all this time. Especially because I couldn't see Chishiya or Kuina anywhere. What if they are trying to steal the cards right now? It would be the perfect opportunity, since everyone is busy here. As Aguni was starting his speech, I decided to go check on Kuina and Chishiya. But to my surprise I saw neither of them. Instead, I saw Usagi. "Usagi?" I asked as I ran up to her "What are you doing here?" I asked her. She looked like she didn't knew what to tell me. She probably didn't knew if she could trust me, which is kind of understandable but damn I'm not a snitch like that. "Usagi, are you working with Chishiya?" I asked. She nodded "Yes...we decided to team up with him and steal the cards...I'm supposed to wait outside here and Arisu is inside trying to crack the safe open" she explained. I widened my eyes. It was all a trick from Chishiya, I'm 100% sure about that."Fuck" I said and punched against the wall. I grabbed Usagi by her arm "Usagi, hide, now! Go back to your room or whatever, but fucking leave now, you hear me? You need to leave" I explained to her. She couldn't understand anything. I sighed "Please, trust me. I don't want anything to happen to you" I said. Finally she nodded and ran away. I opened the door just to see Arisu "Arisu!?" I screamed "Asteria..." he said relieved. But his relieved face turned scared once Niragi entered the room. "You really got some balls" Niragi said and laughed. He put his hand around my waist "Good that we found him before he could open the safe. I knew he was gonna betray us" he said and smirked. Arisu looked just as confused as I did as we saw Chishiya enter the room, smiling. So I was right. Chishiya was lying to them, but for what? "Why would you..." Arisu said as he got up with the intend to attack Chishiya, but before he could do that, Niragi knocked him down with his rifle "You idiot. I will beat your ass!" Niragi said as he repeatedly kicked Arisu, while laughing. He enjoyed it. Sometimes I tend to forget how violent and sadistic Niragi actually is, I mean he even hit me at the start. I tend to forget that cause he's so different now when he's with me. I noticed both Aguni and Chishiya looking at a picture of a deer. Both looked at it relatively long. Aguni just told on himself, and Chishiya already figured it out. The cards are behind the picture, I'm sure about that. I looked back at Arisu, who couldn't scream or move anymore, as he was so badly beaten up. Just as Niragi wanted to kick him again, I held onto his arm "That's enough. Leave him alone now" I said in a serious tone. Niragi laughed "I'm sorry Babe, but he's a traitor. I can't just let him be" he said and looked at the other militants "Bring him to the room!" He ordered, and they did as he said. I was just happy that I was able to save Usagi from punishment, but how could I save Arisu without betraying Niragi? I decided the least I can do was follow Niragi and the others to know where they are gonna put Arisu, so I could maybe, somehow, get him out of there. I didn't want to enter the room with them, so I told Niragi to just come back to our room once he was done. That gave me enough time to think of what to do. Should I still tell him about the pregnancy? What if he doesn't even want to leave? Should we even leave? Can I even still be with him after all this? I mean I know he doesn't like Arisu because of how close me and him are, but he literally beat him friend...this is all too much. I seriously need to talk to him.

After a couple minutes the door finally opened and Niragi came inside. I stood in front of him with crossed arms. He sighed "Come on, don't give me that face" he said and walked towards me "I've had a really tough day. Let's just relax"
I couldn't hold myself back as I slapped him in his face, really hard. I looked at him angrily. I was really expecting him to hit me back, but he didn't. Instead, he looked really confused "What...was that for?" He hissed. "Why are you doing this? You know exactly that Arisu is my friend!" I yelled at him. "And I told you plenty of times that I hate how close you are to him?" He yelled back at me. "I literally stayed away from him, for you! Because I know that you don't like it! The least you could've done was to not beat him up like that!"
"He's a traitor! Beach rule number 3: death to all traitors" he said and laughed Ike a maniac. I sighed "Niragi...have you ever thought about...leaving this place?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow "No, I have not. And you better not think about that either, because you belong to me. I won't let you go anywhere off my sight" he said and grabbed my hand to push me closer towards him. I looked into his eyes. Something changed when I looked at them. He was looking more crazy than ever. He felt too powerful. "But...we can be happy anywhere else. Why should we stay here?" I said while looking down. He put his hands under my chin to make me look at him "Why the fuck are you even thinking about leaving this place? Huh? We have everything we ever wanted here. We have power, we have authority...Ria, people like us, with a shitty past, will never have that kind of power ever again. So why are you even thinking about leaving?" He asked me with sharp eyes. "It's because-" I finally wanted to tell him that I am pregnant with his child, but all of sudden the TV light up. It was a game. A game for all the beach members. Me and Niragi shared a confused look and starred at the tv. "The fucking a Game Arena?" He Said and looked at me. The tv finally announced the difficulty: 10 of hearts. It made me weak to my knees. 10 of hearts. Fuck. This is gonna be pure chaos. I looked at Niragi "This is not good...we need to get to the Lobby" I said to him. He nodded and we made our way to the lobby, where all the other beach members were standing and murmuring.

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