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"no you're not Candi!"
"Yes I am, and everyone knows it!"

Misty was woken up to an argument.
And shockingly, she wasnt at the centre of it..so what was going on must be serious

She blinked away the sleep from her eyes and groggily stumbled over to her door, which she peeked her head out of, to see what was going on.

Candi was bubbling with pathetic tears, and Sprout was clearly attempting to calm her down.
"Guys not to be rude but its like 2 in the morning can we wrap this up and finish it when its NOT stupidly early? People are trying to sleep." She interrupted the growing argument.

"Actually, Misty, its 4 in the after noon, you slept in." Bud noted in from behind his door.
So he was eavesdropping.
More blackmail for her in the future...

"Whats even going on?" She rolled her eyes at the twins
"Someone said Candi was short and weak. She believed it." Sprout huffed, crossing his arms like an angry kid throwing a temper tantrum.
Candi didnt respond, she just bit her cheek in a failed attempt to shove away the tears.
"...so you're arguing?"
They both nodded, almost ashamed.
"I dont understand why you're arguing. Candi, hes just looking out for you" Misty (shockingly, i know) defended Sprout.
"But he doesnt need to-"
"Hes your brother. Also, if you really believed that you were weak, you would let him worry about you. So many youre doing this for the attention, because thats all you really want."

Honestly Misty didnt know what propelled her to say that.
If anyone had asked, she wouldve genuinely said that something possessed her and made her say it.
It wasnt supposed to come out like that

One look at Candis face was enough to let her know that she had screwed up.

"Sorry.." Candi whispered, finding herself unable to push the tears back.
"Candi i didnt mean it like that dont be stupid-"  she covered her mouth as soon as the last word left.
She wasnt supposed to say that, Candi was fragile, and very very sensitive.
Candis face contorted as she bit her lower lip and let a few tears loose.
"Oh for gods sake" wrong tone.
"Misty i think you should just go-"
"I cant just go now that I've upset her, dumbass!" She yelled
She liked Sprout, really, she did, and had no excuse for how she was treating both of them
Maybe it was because she hadnt had enough sleep.
"Misty. Go. Apologize later" he ordered.
The imperative shocked her, actually. She had never ever seen Sprout have so much control.

She hesitated before heading back into her room, and onto her bed, where she eavesdropped on the conversation between the twins.

"Candi dont listen to her.." Sprout tried his hardest to comfort her, even if he was really bad at it..atleast he tried.
Candi stood stock still for a few seconds before leaping into Sprouts arms
They didnt talk, didnt move, didnt make a single change, they just stayed holding eachother, basking in eachothers presence.
"Im sorry for arguing with you Sproutie" she hiccuped into his shirt.
Sprout just frowned.
He hated seeing his sister so upset, but knew full well that he wasnt good at advice, or sharing kind words. He only really knew his jokes
And normally they didnt cheer anyone up
Not even Dude.

"Its okay..I love you Candi" he whispered into her hair, rubbing his hand soothingly up and down her back.
"I love you too Sproutie" she pulled away slightly.
Sprout found himself giggling at the remnants of her makeup.
"Best friends again?" He offered, putting out his hand to her, pinkie finger up
"Forever" she gave a soft smile, before linking her pinkie with his.

(I'm at Butlins rn so like I might write more 🤭)

Candi 💗💗Where stories live. Discover now