birthday blues part 1

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(we're pretending they ARENT twins just because it would. Not. Work. Also Misty has a different birthday to Candis...again... because it wouldnt work if not)

Candi had woke up excited, an excitement that wasnt going to last very long.
It was her birthday!
A day full of pink, giggly, sparkles, all for her!

Or atleast that was how it was supposed to go.

She woke up later then expected, at 8 and practically galloped straight to Dudes room, to wake him.
"Dude!" She whispered excitedly, after tip toeing over to him.
He just grumbled in response.
"Dudey!! Dudey dudey its my birthday!" She bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement.
"Nice, go back to bed, Candi." His voice was dead with exhaustion.

He had never responded like that before, not to her.

She didnt let it dull her spirits though, surely Dude was just extremely tired from planning her party for later, something she had been buzzing over for months.

"Okay...Sproutie! Oh Sproutie its my" he wasnt there.
There was an empty spot where he would be.
She shrugged to herself before moving on, to Mimis room

"Mimi! Its my birthday wake up" she knocked cheerfully on her door.
Mimi had never liked people just entering her room, so Candi was sure to respect her boundaries..even if she wanted to just burst in.
"Im aware Candi. Im aware." Candi could just about HEAR the way Mimi rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Isn't it exciting?!" The smile never left her face, not until Mimi pushed open the door, almost knocking Candi clean iver
"Yes, it is. Can you leave me alone now? Ill come down later, for the party or whatever"
Mimi's rudeness caught Candi off guard. She was never like that.

Unfortunately that was when she let her smile die for a while as she headed back to her room.
She waited till 12, when she knew everyone was downstairs, before going to join them.

"Hiya everyone!" Her personality seemed to light up the room.
"Youre cheerful..more cheerful than usual whats up" Misty remarked, not looking up from her phone
"Oh silly, its my birthday!" She clapped her hands together in excitement.
"No its not" Misty responded sharply
" is! Im-Im having a party later, and it'll be all glittery and sparkly! You're all coming, of course! Dude planned it, didnt you Dude?"

It was like they had all forgotten..everyone was looking at her with a blank face.
"Ohhh yeah..yeah it is" Misty spoke slowly, as if she was pretending to remember.
"Wheres the venue? I need to know whether to wear heels or not" Mimi asked, sorting her fringe out as she did so.
Why was she more interested in that than her birthday??
"Its where I've had all my birthday parties..for the past 4 years.." she suddenly got really quiet.
"Yeah really helpful Candi." Misty rolled her eyes and swung her legs over the arm of the chair.
"They cancelled last night, there isnt a party"Dude spoke nonchalantly, breaking his gaze away from her.

She could feel the tears well in her eyes. So there was no party and seemingly no birthday either.

"But..but its my birthday" she whispered, her voice cracking stupidly.
"So you've said..quite a few times" Misty remarked.
"But it IS my birthday, why do none of you care?" She looked around frantically.
What if she was going crazy and it WASNT her birthday?
"Sure" the evil clone smirked, rolling her eyes again.
"...Sproutie?" She looked at him meekly.
He wouldnt lie to her, he probably couldnt even if he tried.
He seemed to hesitate before shaking his head no and then shrugging.
"...oh." as the tears began streaming, she ran to her room.

But it WAS her birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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