3- Guns and Criticism

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   It's weird. Kunikida Doppo thinks as he watches his partner shoot a couple of moving targets with scary pinpoint accuracy.

Despite working together for a few years now, the blond man has rarely seen his partner Dazai Osamu use a gun, as he isn't often part of the fighting on their missions, but their boss Fukuzawa had suggested that the two go train together, which is how they found themselves in a storehouse that Dazai had set up for them, though Kunikida is to believe it was a different Agency member that had done it.

"This is so boring~!" The brunette whines after hitting his seventh bullseye in less than a minute. "Kunikida, can you fight me while I try to hit these? Don't be afraid to hold back. I'll be careful not to hit you."

Kunikida had insisted Dazai be the one practicing and not him or both together at the moment since he already knows how to use a gun well and was unaware of Dazai's experience in the field.

"Are you sure?" The man in question replies, unsure. Sure, he and Dazai have fought together before, but never against each other. Unless you count all the times the blond has thrown the brunette against the wall.


Warily, under the impression that Dazai wasn't the greatest at hand to hand combat, Kunikida starts to spar the brunette, though using no weapons, and only his fists.

"Kunikida~!" Dazai whines no more then a few seconds later, not even firing his gun yet "I said don't hold back!"


"C'mon Kunikida, don't be worried about hurting me. You will never be able to hurt me too badly."

And with that, realizing the truth behind that statement, the man in glasses starts to go at Dazai with more force, the two flying around the warehouse, never staying in one place.

At the first bang, the blond man jumps in surprise, glancing at a target to see the dot in the center had been hit with such percision that you can't even see the red that had once marked it. "What-? How?" Two more bangs follow, both bullets going right into the hole as well.

"Don't get distracted, Kunikida." Dazai says, out of habit, slipping into more of a mentor-mode as being in this specific warehouse tends to do as he has trained many in here. "Keep your eyes on your target. If you get distracted.." he shoots a dummy dressed as a person directly between the eyes, saying no more but explaining all.

Swallowing hard, Kunikida focuses back on Dazai, the two continuing to spar.

Despite having two guns in his hands, Dazai manages to throw punches by randomly slipping a gun into his pocket, throwing it, or holding it with his teeth which distracts Kunikida, allowing the brunette to shoot another target, though he can do that even with the full attention of the man whose job is to keep Dazai from getting more targets.

"Don't get distracted." Dazai says, yet again. "You can't afford to get distracted, because in that split second you can lose yours or someone else's life."

Gulping, Kunikida nods, determined to stay focused.

At the agency, it was to their belief that Kunikida was the best of the group at using guns, as no one else seemed to carry one around despite needing to for their own protection and he doesn't even need to carry one around anyways, since his ability allows him to make one if needed. Either way, most, if not all of them have some type of ability or skill to keep themselves safe if needed. And if anyone in the Agency did carry around a firearm, they have yet to use it or allow others to be aware of it.

But now, the man himself is questioning that statement as he and Dazai continue with this training, the brunette often giving comments and pointers, which the man sporting glasses doesn't start to question until they've already finished for the day.

"Damn," Dazai mutters after a bit "No more targets."

"Already?!" Kunikida turns to inspect their surroundings, a bang following by Dazai's tuts quick to be heard.

"Must I remind you again, you cannot allow yourself to be distracted, partner." He drapes an arm around Kunikida's shoulder, smiling a good natured smile despite having a gun pressed up to the others forehead "For that may be the last time you ever do anything. But yeah. That was the last target." He flicks the safety on both guns and pocketing them before surveying their surroundings. The smell of gunpowder is strong in the air. A welcoming and preferred smell for Dazai who grew up with it. But it doesn't bother Kunikida much as long as he doesn't focus on it.

Much to Kunikida's surprise, there wasn't much of a mess to clean. He had assumed the wooden targets would explode on contact with a bullet, but it seems not. The biggest mess they had to deal with was taking out the used targets and cleaning the sand from a few dummies that had exploded or spilled after being shot, which they did after opening the doors to the warehouse to air it out and get rid of the strong smell of gun powder.

"Maybe instead of practicing on shooting, you should work on your combat skills." Dazai hums thoughtfully as they clean.

"What do you mean?" Kunikida asks with wide eyes he had thought his combat skills were pretty good. He's been in the Agnecy for a few years and had believed to be pretty good at fighting. What would Dazai know anyways?

"Well," the brunette continues to clean, not pausing in the action like Kunikida had, saying "nothing against you, your skills are quite good. But it can be better. There were just some minor things I had noticed. I've noticed it before, but never really thought about it until now."


"Continue cleaning and I'll tell you." Dazai says, throwing a wooden target onto a pile of others to be dealt with. Probably used for someone's fireplace or sold for some money. People will buy anything these days, whether it's worth something or not.

Looking up at his partner, Dazai smiles, slightly surprised he had listened to what the brunette had said without some type of comment or grumble.

"I just noticed your movements are a bit stiff, you get distracted easily despite also having great concentration. You should also work on the way you kick, you might throw out your leg otherwise, and believe me when I say it's not fun." The brunette gives a small shudder, remembering when he was much younger and still learning the basics of fighting. Though he was always a quick learner, he still makes mistakes. Especially his younger self, who threw out their leg quite the number of times when trying to teach himself and having no idea what he was actually doing.

Kunikida just gives him a curious look, but says nothing on the matter as Dazai continues to point out very small, minor details he has noticed about Kunikida's fighting and briefly explaining how to do better, which makes him to start to wonder just how closely Dazai pays attention to stuff, or if he just has a knack for noticing the mistakes everyone does, no matter how small.

"You seem very educated on this topic." He notes

"You could say that." Dazai gives a light chuckle.

Hey guys~!
My friend wants me to do a part two. Should I?

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