Chapter 5

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Kurama's POV

After Naru's stalker team walked in on us making out I was not in a good mood.

.....especially with this pink-haired bitch yapping my ears off, asking insignificant questions.

"So how did you meet?"

"...I've known him since he was little, I guess you could say I've known him forever." I said dryly.

Naruto snorted. I smirked.

"How long have you been going out?" She questioned.

"Almost a year, but he says it feels like eternity."

"How did you ask him out?" Another stupid question.

"I bothered him all the time." I said as I thought how I managed to get Naruto to date me.

'I remember, you wouldn't stop asking me in the mindscape, and I finally relented to one date, because you gave me a migraine' Naruto said in my head.

'Well aren't you happy you did? Look at us now.' I thought to him.

He walked beside me, and I could see his cheeks glow red and he smiled at his feet.

"You're too cute." I said as I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to give him a kiss on his temple.

"HEY! Don't ignore me!" Screamed the Banshee.

I've put up with all these damn questions for over 2 hours, and I'm done. I give up.

'Naru forgive me.' I thought as I shook my head in anger.

He looked up confused.

I slung around and glared at the pink-haired bitch, my eyes glinted with rage and a bit of bloodlust.

"Listen here you little bimbo, if you ever say something to me in that tone again or interrupt my Naruto time again, I will destroy what little talent you possess by beating you into a bloody pulp." I said my voice shaking with barely guised hate, as I slowly moved her back into Kakashi-san and Sasuke.

Kakashi-san leapt in front and attempted to dissolve the conflict.

"Hey! You know what, it's getting late, we need to set up camp." He said in a fake cheery voice.

Sasuke grabbed Sasi-.....or whatever that waste of flesh's name is, and jerked her away.

Naruto grabbed my hand and started massaging the palm, in an attempt to calm me down.

"That's right Kyuu, I'm getting hungry." He said quietly.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Okay Naruto, there's a clearing about a hundred yards from here, with a clean creek running a ways off from it, we can stop, sleep and eat there." I offered.

"That sounds like a good place to set up camp." He replied.

"That sounds great." Kakashi-san

Sasuke had moved away from the terrified female, and was walking to us nodding his head.

"Hn. ( Sounds good. )"

We all looked at Sakura.

' that's her name...I just remembered it.'

She just nodded her head shakily, in agreement.

"Okay, we're all in agreement."

We all headed to the clearing.

'I'm sorry Naruto, she just pisses me off.' I thought.

'It's fine Kurama, if you didn't do that I would have put a kunai in her ugly mug.' He replied, while still playing with my hand.

I smile gently entwining our fingers together, my larger ones and his smaller ones, fit together perfectly.

'I don't deserve you little one.'

'If you don't deserve me, then I don't deserve you oldie.' He thought cheekily.

'Hey! Not nice, you're lucky I love you so much.' I thought back grumpily.

'I love you too Kyuu.'

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