A not so happy ending? (Post Credit)

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*We see Morag with Old Aggies soul in a jar & Dr Linnaeus head into a Laboratory* 

Morag: now what do you want to show me? 

Dr Linnaeus: now don't worry Morag, I've took a Sample of Lincoln's blood when he was unconscious in the cell before old Aggie possessed him the first time and I've made this! 

*She shows Morag an unconscious clone of Lincoln in a massive jar with a breathing apparatus connected to him*

Morag: a clone of that lot! 

Dr Linnaeus: now don't worry I removed the clones soul and disposed of it before it could manifest into its personality and form so, it's all old Aggie's 

Morag: where exactly is the clones soul? 

Dr Linnaeus: in that soul jar 

*We see the soul of Clone Lincoln struggling to break free but it's restrained as Morag stares into Old Aggie's soul jar*

Morag: well old Aggie this clone is all yours *she opens the jar*

Old Aggie: thank you Morag 

*Her spirit heads into the clones body and opens her eyes in the new body and it's the dark orange like the first time the Jar's drain opens draining the water, and the jar opens as old Aggie once again, Dark Ace takes off the apparatus*

Dark Ace: I'm Baaaaaacccckkkkk!!!!!!! And this time here to stay forever! Look out Lincoln Loud! You & your sisters better prepare for my revenge!!! *He begins to laugh Manically* 

* Morag & Dr Linnaeus join in the laughing as we cut to black* 

Ace Savvy Vs Dark Ace is coming to Wattpad fall 2023 

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