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   ON A COLD DECEMBER NIGHT, the sound of the city had died down, and the snow was dancing below the night sky. You tossed and turned in your bed, restless and struggling to fight off the activity buzzing in your brain. Work had exhausted you that day with irritable customers and a mountain of paperwork, yet you could not manage to catch a wink of sleep.

At half past two am, you finally released a huff of irritation and picked up your phone in search of entertainment. It was better than staring up at the ceiling, as you had done previous nights. Choosing to catch up on a video game you hadn't played in weeks, you nearly squealed in excitement when you realized an update had been released. You had patiently waited for this certain release ever since you started the game, having lived off of mere crumbs and scraps of your favourite character.

Excitement flittering across your chest, you flipped over on your stomach and readied yourself for the long-awaited backstory of Scaramouche. Every thought that consisted of reality muddled in the background of your mind as you engrossingly stared at the screen in your hands. As minutes shifted into hours, you were a series of emotions and when you eventually completed the quest, you instantly switched over to the game's official website to watch the character teasers.

Tears welled in your eyes as you watched your favourite character suffer through tragedy and heartbreak-ultimately becoming the cause of his villain arc. He was abandoned by the deaths of his friends, and his mother, and left alone with only the ghost of them in his memories. The very fact made you end up with tear-stained cheeks and a box of tissues in your hand.

"My beloved Scaramouche," You sniffled, watching his character teaser for the fifth time. "You deserve so much better. I would never abandon you, ever!" You shouted louder than intended, and popped a square of chocolate in your mouth. You sighed as the savoury sweetness coated your tongue.

"All you ever felt like was a disappointment and you simply wanted to make your mother notice your achievements. You never even felt love!" You grabbed a tissue and wiped your runny nose. "Your actions are justifiable."

After ranting on and on about your favourite character and how beautifully tragic his backstory was, your eyes gradually fell shut until your consciousness entered a deep slumber. Amongst the stars that shimmered against the blanket of darkness outside the window of your apartment, there was one that soared across the vast sky. It gleamed so brightly that witnesses believed their eyes were playing tricks. Though as the star continued to glide through the night sky, children and wishful adults pressed their palms together and muttered a string of wishes.

But the star wasn't one to be wished upon because its work had already fulfilled another, and when its wisher would finally wake, fate would have already paved a new path. 

Quick A/N's: Just for a clarification, upcoming chapters will be much longer this. As this is the prologue, I simply waned it to be short and sweet before the action :)

Under The Oak Tree || ScaramoucheHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin