Chapter 4 - Notice You 1998

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It took you three weeks to realize that Daryl had no interest in doing this project.

Every day, he would show up to the library though. Show up late, but non-the-less he would show up. You could tell he comes in stoned; it was obvious from the smell of weed that followed him around.

He would sit there with his feet on the table, watching you with insouciance look on his face, as if one would watch a painting hanged on a wall. For the most part, you would read, explain, and write notes for BOTH of you. Because Daryl fuckin Dixon didn't bring a pen or a paper to study. In fact, you had never seen him with a backpack at all.

Today it's your turn to be late.

You were trapped in a conversation by Mr. Robertson, your history teacher. You jog to the school library, backpack on your shoulder and books in hand. Daryl was already sitting on your usual table. It's in the far side of the library, secluded by a few bookshelves. He looks nonchalant, feet on the table and cigarette held between his thumb and index finger.

You stare at him for a second, flabbergasted by his actions, before marching toward him. You snatch the cigarette from his lips.

"Are you trying to get us banned?" you whisper not so quietly. Dropping the cigarette and stomping on it. "You can't smoke in the library."

"Ain't no big deal. It's not like Imma burn something." He says disputably.

"It doesn't matter. You're not even supposed to smoke on the school ground." You scold, and he just rolls his eyes at you.

"Chill madam president, it's just a cigarette." He replies not bothered by your grumble.

The next 20 minutes continues like the usual. You read out loud and take notes, even though, the book is open and placed in-between the two of you.

"Research in this area includes studying tissue regeneration and cell growth-"

"Grrrroolll" you're interrupted by your stomach growling loudly, it seems to resonate in the empty library. You look up, your cheeks turning red.

"Damn girl!" Daryl comments with a snigger.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten anything since breakfast." You're famished. All you had was an apple and a yogurt this morning. with all your after-school curriculum activities, you're stretched thin. Today you had to forgo lunch to attend your chess club meeting, which you have been putting in the back burner.

You look at your watch, seems like the clock was moving slow. You have a long way before this tutoring (you doing all the work) could end.

"Why don't we call it a-day. I'm hungry too, got the munchies." He says lowering his feet off the table. You are so hungry; it does not sound like a bad idea. It is not like he's paying attention anyways, you thought to yourself.

"Yeah, fine." You say looking at your watch again. You mark your page and get up. Surprisingly, he waits for you as you put your books in your backpack. When you both walk out of the library, you notice the school was silent except for the janitor cleaning in the hallways.

"Watcha thinkin of eating," he asks out of nowhere.

"I was just going to go home." He nods his head with a hum.

After a quick farewell, you separate at the gate, and you start walking home. Last year, when you got your driver's license, your dad gave you his old BMW. You remember being so excited to have a car. Unfortunately for you, the car was so old, it often required maintenance. As much as you loved this car, it was more a headache than it's worth.

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