Chapter 5 - Zombie 101

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You had a plan.

There had to be away for the group to get inside of the prison's infirmary and get the supplies needed for Lori, with the least amount of risk.

It didn't really occur to you until Daryl showed up from a hunt with a deer he caught.

Last night, you watched the group pour over a map of the prison Axel and Oscar drew. It was Charles idea to get the most precise picture as possible, but you doubt it was accurate because the previously incarcerated men kept arguing over it.

Today Daryl had gone out hunting, and he had caught a deer.

The moment you see the deer, a light bulb goes off in your head.

"Charles!" You holler running toward Daryl. He had thrown a long piece of rope over a sturdy looking tree, and was in the prosses of hooking the deer up to prep for skinning. Your yell has gotten the right people's attention, because soon Charles and Rick, who were walking the perimeter, are running right behind you. Both men have their guns drawn out, unsure of what you are screaming about.

"The hell is goin on here?" Daryl demands. He pauses what he's doing when the group approach.

"This is it," you tell them, bending over your knee huffing and trying to catch your breath. "The answer how we get into the prison."

"I'm not following," Charles retorts, looking between you and Daryl.

"We herd them!" You say it as if it's obvious, "I don't know if you notice, but these Zombies or Walkers, whatever you want to call them, they are interested in blood." Charles and Rick look at each other and seem to understand where your idea was heading.

You turn to Daryl, "I need you to save all the blood when you drain the deer, as well as all the guts and skin. Anything we are not going to eat, save it. We'll use the north side of the building, draw them out there." Rick steps forward and put his hands on your shoulder as an affirmation.

"Yes, that's...actually a great idea." He nods to himself, eyes looking to Charles. "Let them pile on that side of the building, we'll pick them one at time through the fence." Quickly they both turn, discussing about reassessing last night's exit plan. As they head toward the prison to look at the map again, Charles stops to look back at you,

"Good work, doctor." You nod in acceptance. You turn toward Daryl who was eying you incredulously.

"You need any help?" You ask. Since the evening at the guard tower, he has been giving you the cold shoulders.

"Na, I'm good." He mumbles. You hover for a moment, feeling vulnerable, but you can tell by the stiffness of his back, he does not want you there.

So, you leave him be.


It's unusually hot inside the prison, so the group agree to have dinner outside.

Because there is no refrigerator, a lot of the meat must be eaten quick and prepared for overnight. The men have set up a grilling system with the meat rolling on a small bonfire. It's Axel and Oscar's turn to be on guard duty. After they both got their plate, they return to their watch.

As the group sits around the fire. Both Beth and Carol walk around the circle handing out a small portion of canned beans on the prison's plate.

Lori sits to your left with Jamie and Charles to your right. As the group settle with their portion of food, things are quiet. Across from you sits Rick and his son, Carl. You can sense there was tension between Lori and Rick, and their relationship drama now also involves Carl.

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