Chapter 8: invisible string

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Chapter 8: invisible string

Jian's POV:

The hedgehog giggled in her seat beside me as she talked about the mission.

An outsider would definitely be nervous about this pink powderpuff leading their team.

But that's because they didn't know our Agent Rose.

Agent Rose was a completely different person in the field.

All this giggling and excitement? Once the mission starts, she'll be a completely different person.

A focused fireball, this girl was a powerhouse in a league all her own.

I heard stories of her training with members of the Knuckles Klan, and those guys are known for their brute force and strength.

I didn't believe it until the first time I watched her single-handedly take out an entire fleet of Robotnik robots by herself.

When she welds that hammer, the best thing anyone can do is stay out of her way.

I look over at the grumpy hedgehog sitting a few seats down from us.

He woke up some time ago, I just can't tell exactly when.

He was moving and mumbling while he was sleeping. But a little bit after mine and Captain's conversation ended, I realized he wasn't fidgeting or muttering any more.

He must have woken up and realized we were talking about him.

I look back over at Agent Rose.

She is still talking away, not a care in the world. Something about the mission... me... and Tangle...

I smile and nod in response and she continues to talk.

I glance back at the other hedgehog.

It was a wise choice to fake sleeping. If he had made it obvious that he woke up during our conversation about him, I would've accused him of faking sleep the whole time.

Now that the conversation is off of him, he's free to wake up without worry.

This is one smart hedgehog. I'll have to work harder if I'm gonna pick any fun outta him.

As if on cue, he takes in a deep breath and produces a fake yawn. He stretches and shakes out his quills.

He looks around and catches my eye.

I'm not intimidated by him, or embarrassed that I've been caught watching him. I don't look away, and instead smirk at him.

His eyes narrow and he glares at me.

I stick my tongue out and blow a raspberry at him and he scoffs and turns his head in response.

I laugh and look back at Rose who is giving me a questioning look.

She leans forward in her seat and looks past me to see Shadow's awake, and her face lights up like the Fourth of July.

Then her face suddenly falls and she leans back in her seat, her posture improving, she straightens her back and sticks out her chest.

She brings her hand towards her mouth and speaks into the speaker system in her wrist.

"Agent Tangle, how much further?." She says, and Shadow's head turns back our way as he watches her intensely.

"Fifteen minutes till we reach the landing spot," comes Tangle's voice from the communications device in the wrist of Rose's suit.

"Perfect. Permission to move about the cabin freely?" Amy asked, still speaking into the wrist of her suit.

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