Author note

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Thankyou everyone for spending time reading my story and giving it so much love. It means a lot for me. You love and support gives me hope to write more for people

I can imagine what it is to be isolated and using book as your best friend to help yourself releave the paij your feelings. It makes a lot more sense imagining stuff you want to happen in your life but you know it's all just hopes
Even after knowing it no point in keeping hope their is always a tiniest little place in your heart where you want that to happen

Imagination makes us go to another world, a world which is perfect in every way. I personally am not a very social person more of an introvert
I thought thrice before starting to write i lot hope lots of time but then i wanted to continue
It help me place my idea to other people and get suggestions on how my idea are

Thank you soo much everyone for your time
And as i promised i will definitely make a small quiz for fun 😉.

See you soon again with another amazing piece of work of mine till then best of luck for your life. I hope it goes amazing

Evensromcom singing off ❤️

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