You're Doing It Wrong

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I don't know how long we've stayed under the hot stream of water falling from above us but I could happily stay here with Jo all day. Her head rests against my chest and our arms are wrapped around one another in a soft, gentle embrace. It feels so right to hold her. She fits in my arms and against me like the perfect jigsaw piece.

Today's changed even more things between us. She's... incredible. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I knew she was nervous before we even took our robes off. It's not every day you just expose yourself completely naked to someone else. It's why I kept my eyes at bay as best I could for her. Only stealing glances at her body whenever I knew I could get away with it.

I didn't want her feeling pressured or exposed even more than she already was. It's also why I put on the bravest face I could for her. Exuding confidence can help others and I hope that's what it did for Jo today. She needn't have been nervous, I thought I'd seen enough at the hotel when we went to the pool but the real thing was so much more than what my imagination could have concocted. She's beautiful. A rare, untraditional beauty that I've been lucky enough to see fully.

Everything we do flows so easily and naturally. I've never questioned anything we do together and neither has Jo. Nor will I make a habit of starting that. I can't. I'm in too deep now. I'm finding myself wanting to look after her. Wanting to protect her where possible. It's why I brought her in here, so she'd be honest with me because I knew her answer was bothering her. But I know we've convinced everyone on the other side of the door yet again. Nothing is fake about this anymore. Everything is real.

"Let me wash you," I keep my voice hushed, not wanting to disturb the delicate atmosphere here and see her nod yes. I swivel her in front of me, making sure her back is flush with my chest and reach for the loofah and shower gel mounted on the wall.

I load the loofah up quickly with the clear shower gel before placing it gently on her right wrist so I can start. Slowly, I trail it up and down her arm, creating a lather on her reddened skin. I then work my way down to her hand, rubbing over her dainty fingers until I know I'm done. Working my way up her arm, I then trail the sponge across her front, over her collarbones before repeating the process on her left side.

Purposefully, I take my time. Not only am I enjoying myself but I think Jo's enjoying herself too. Her eyes are closed and her whole body is relaxed against mine. She looks incredible, the water falling from above, staining her skin and leaving small droplets behind that slide down the length of her. The fact she even said yes to this surprised me, I honestly said it on a whim. Perhaps I should do that more often...

Just as I'm about to work my way down over her chest, her soft hand covers mine on the sponge. Her eyes open and her head turns up to me. Blinking away droplets, her gaze focuses on me and I can see her thinking carefully. Does she want me to stop?

"What's wrong?" I ask, panicked that she's changed her mind.

"You're doing it wrong," she breathes, squeezing the loofah in our hands, causing the suds to run from the sponge and onto her skin. I'd like to think I've been quite respectful, keeping my eyes up as best I can.

"Wrong?" She nods yes and takes the loofah away from her body, from my hold and drops it to the floor.

"Yeah... Wrong," keeping my eye contact, she takes hold of my wrists and places them down onto the soft flesh of her stomach, filled with the shower gel's lather. I can't help the soft smile that covers my face as I feel her smooth skin underneath my hands. Not applying pressure but making sure she can feel me, I begin to rub gentle circles, taking my time to allow her to feel me.

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