Felix, my bro

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Pearl woke me up the usual time and way she did every day. A strong slap to the side of the kelp bed that sent me rolling into the freezing water of the early morning. I pulled myself back up out of the ice water and shook my fur to dry off. "I really hate you sometimes, you know that?" I yawned. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's 20 past eight." She replied, sitting up on my bed. 

"We better go out then. I hate my life." I growned. Pearl laughed at my pain as she jumped back into the water. "Get dressed and meet me in the usual spot." She swam off and I picked up my clothes and started to get dressed. 

-at the kelp forest- 

(Pearls pov:)

I sat there waiting for Shellington to hurry his tail along and get over here so I could start work. I was snacking on a few stray urchinsthat were around my feet. I didn't know who today was gonna work. It was Friday so we were going to the 'Sundown, Otters up' show that was being held around 7pm. 

I saw Shellington swimming down to me, and I picked up a basket, waiting for him to take it off me. 

(I wrote the rest of the chapter, then it all disappeared on me!!! I'm so mad!!!)

(Shellingtons pov:)

"Mornin' sis" I greated her, taking the basket out of her hands. "Can't wait for today! Lost of children who know way to much going out today..." Not only was it the Friday 13th, but it was also class trip day, what fun. Pearl must have noticed my dead voice.

"Shelly, I can do this today on my own if it's too much for you, you know." I want taking that today.

"No! I'm not weak! I'm not afraid of some kids!" I snapped. Pearl flinched at my reaction. I noticed and tried to clean up the wounds. "Sorry, sorry, I'm not mad at you!" I huge her tightly. "I guess I'll just. . . Go do my work. . ." I swam away at top speed and tried to forget her just looking at me. 

I slipped on the headphones that I had around my neck and turned on some Green Day. The first song was "St. Jimmie". I humed along, and where possible, dropped urchinsinto the basket to the beat of the drums.  


I was in the middle of my urchin duties when I got a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me?" A young boy, probably about 20, 21 years old, spoke as I pulled of my headphones and turned around. 

"What's up?" I asked.

"One of our kids forgot his lunch and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to give us some urchins?" The boy gestured to the young otter holding his hand. Shellington looked around for his sister before digging into his basket and stuffing 20 odd urchins into the kids school bag. 

"Don't waste them, OK?" The little kid nodded as he swam back in the direction of his class. The teacher, Shellington assumed, stayed with him for a moment longer.

"So..." he started trying to make small talk. "Do you like music?" He made a slight gesture to Shellintons  headphones. 

"Yes I do!" He replied. "My favourite bands are Queen and Green Day!" 

"Same! What a coincidence!" 

It was Shellintons turn for asking questions now. "What's your name?"

"I'm Felix, Felix the otter." 

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