chpt 7| 3 days

216 5 2

The blonde yawned "I'm tireeedd~"

Wolfwood looked over to vash, holding a glass of alcohol "yeah, it is getting late, you gonna go back to the hotel?"

Vash nodded "I'd like to!" He smiled and stood up "what about you? Care to come with me?"

"Well I have nothin else to do" wolfwood chuckled as he also stood up and the two walked back to the hotel


When they got back, vash threw himself onto the bed, and wolfwood sat at the edge of his bed

"Hey wolfwood.."

"What is it needle noggin"
He turned his head over to vash

"Do you think I can stay here with you longer, it's no fun being alone for along time"

Vash sat up

"Oh.. well.. I don't mind as long as you leave by the end of the week"

"3 days then huh? Well I won't ask, and that's enough days for me!" vash smiled and laid back down

"Well night time for me! See ya in the mornin"
He then covered himself in a blanket and fell asleep, wolfwood couldn't help but smile

"Vash.." He sighed and sat there thinking

"I guess I'll just enjoy the three days"

Wolfwood laid down and went to sleep

end of a world//our world((vashxwolfwood))Where stories live. Discover now